Chapter 58

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I woke up and this time I felt Gila's presence, I get rid of everything leaving only a table two chairs and the void also 2 cups with tea. Gila soon appeared in front of me taking a seat and a small sip of the tea.

Gila: "Hmm I've never tasted tea like this did you make it?"

I took a sip out of my tea before answering

Me: "No my ma use to make this tea for me when I was young, I always enjoyed the taste but unfortunately she never told me the recipe for it."

I took another sip of the tea it tasted just as I remembered it.

Me: "I wanted to talk to you about something Gila."

She hummed questioningly

Me: "I had a nightmare yesterday and I wanted to know if you were involved."

Gila: "A nightmare? My powers don't give me the ability to create nightmares little one."

A couch popped up out of nowhere she sat down and patted the spot next to her. I made the other things dissapear and sat next to her.

Gila: "Tell me little one what happened in your nightmare."

I explained to her my nightmare in great detail.

Me: "After that I slowly bled out on the floor and woke up."

She stayed silent for a moment staring at the void.

Gila: "I may know who gave you that nightmare."

Me: "Wait nightmares are given?"

She nodded

Gila: "Demons can choose a human to give dreams to some give nightmares others give sweet dreams."

I nodded listening very carefully

Gila: "Evelynn's sister must be the culprit."

Me: "Eve has a sister?"

Gila: "Yes little one, her name is Lana, she is very dangerous and if I am correct you are in grave danger."

Me: "Pshh how bad can she be I have the ability to steal strength now I bet I could take her."

Gila then had a very serious look on her face.

Gila: "Arrogance can get you killed little one, be careful."

I now had a more serious expression

Me: "So then if she's that bad then how would I protect the girls if worse come to worse."

She had a sad look on her face

Gila: "You would have a better chance to simply save yourself."

I stayed silent for a few moments realizing the situation at hand.

Me: "What does she look like."

Gila: "She looks similar to evelynn except she has a green and dark purple hue instead of Evelynn's pink and light blue."

I nodded she had a worried expression

Gila: "Little one please be careful and tell evelynn about this, okay?"

I nodded closing my eyes, I felt my self being hugged by Gila.


The beeping continued until I got sick of it and threw my phone into the wall and it shattered to pieces. I open my eyes and see the other girls already waking up.

Akali: "Uhh y/n you just-"

Me: "Yeah I know I'm so sick of that damn alarm it makes my ears hurt."

Akali: "But how are you going to call us."

Me: "I'll buy a new one when I get the time to."

I see ahri's eyes light up

Ahri: "Yaaay a shopping day with my mate, ooh I can already imagine all the fun we'll have together."

Me: "Wait I didn't agree to that."

I see ahri ears and tail strip down

Ahri: "S-so you don't want to come spend the day with me."

Me: "Well I kinda wanted to do some stuff on my own ya know."

Ahri: "Oh, I understand..."

She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes. Damn this sucks I really don't want to water my day shopping but I don't want to hurt ahri's feelings.

I sighed

Me: "Fine I'll go shopping with you ahri."

I see her face light up again she picked me up and spined me around in the air. I whispered in her ear

Me: "But in return you have to teach me how to do the puppy dog eye thing, oh my Lord imagine what I could get away with."

She giggled

Ahri: "Deal."

Evelynn: "Wait what deal?"

I chuckled

Me: "Don't worry about it eve."

I picked out some clothes and head to the bathroom to take a shower. Ahri was close behind me and before the other girls noticed she locked us in. I heard banging on the door

Evelynn: "Ahri you better open this door if you know what's good for you."

She blew off Eve's comment and took off her clothes revealing her velomumptuos body. I blushed slightly

Me: "I'm guessing you want to shower with me."

Ahri: "No I want to bathe with you y/n."

She turned on the faucet and let it run for a bit until the tub was full. I took off my clothes and joined her sitting in her lap.

She hugged me and I felt her breasts push againts my back. She was nuzzling againts me her warm body sorounded mine. It was very comforting and I enjoyed it until I felt her grab my tail.

Me: "Ahri what are you doing?"

She grabbed a bottle of shampoo and put some on my tail.

Ahri: "You know y/n when a female grooms a male it's a sign of eternal love and is only done by true mates at least that is what vastaya believe."

Me: "Wow, really? that's pretty cool."

She cleaned my tail and washed my hair.

Me: "Is this really necessary ahri?"

She giggled

Ahri: "Yes I want to make sure your hair is well maintained."

She finished up

Me: "Let me do your tails too."

She agreed and I did, I took my time to make sure her hair and fur was clean.

We got out and dried ourselves it was most definitely a nice experience. She picked me up and grabbed a comb with her. She opened the door and no one was there. She sat down on her bed and put me on her lap. She grabbed the comb and ran it through my tail and hair for a few minutes. It felt really nice the warm and comfy feeling.

Ahri: "Are you enjoying this y/n, I'm not being too rough am I?"

Me: "No it... Feels really nice."

She finished and was going to put away the comb but I took it before she could. I patted the spot next to me

Me: "You're turn foxy."

I combed all nine of her tails being very careful not to hurt her. After a few minutes I stopped and kissed her. She said she would comb her own hair. Man I am so lucky.

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