Chapter 35

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Evelynn drove us home we got out and she picked me up carrying me like a baby.

Me: "Evelynn what did I just say in the car."

She smirked and didn't respond but just continued to walk. We made it to the elevator evelynn put me down and pressed the button for our floor before quickly picking me up.

Me: "Oh come on evelynn I can walk my self."

She giggled but didn't let me go she continued to carry me inside we pass by ahri and I finally had enough I break free of her arms my face hitting the floor. Ouch. I got up and walked towards ahri sitting down next to her my tail instinctually wraps around one of hers. I lay on her shoulder and she wraps the rest of her tails around me while also hugging me.

It was a very comforting feeling suddenly I was pulled away. I see evelynn holding me up a semi angry look on her face it quickly softened as she looked at me.

Evelynn: "As you can see y/n is tired right y/n."

Me: "Um-"

Evelynn: "See he agrees he is tired so as the good lover I am I will sleep with my pet."

Ahri: "You would rather spend the day with me right y/n."

Me: "Well-"

Evelynn: "See he said no, he's tired and he would rather sleep with me let's go y/n."

Me: "But-"

Evelynn: "but I'm so tired and can't walk" don't worry I'll carry you"

Ok. I didn't bother trying to speak and she carried me off to her room placing me down on her bed. She took off her shirt

Me: "W-wait what are you doing."

I was blushing she looked confused for a second

Evelynn: "I like to sleep without clothes on but it's clear I can't go fully naked with you so Ill keep my bra and panties on."

She continued to strip taking off her clothes she climbed in after a while. Her tails came out and wrapped around me she hugged me close and began to pet me. I didn't really care to resist any more so I let the soothing feeling slowly take me over.

I sat up after what I assumed to be hours I check the time and see that it's 5 really only two hours passed? Evelynn woke up behind me. She rushed over to me kissing my neck and hugging me tightly I let out a small moan.

Evelynn: "Leaving so soon honey? Don't you want to stay a little longer so we can have some fun~"

She blew gently into my ear

Me: "And this is why I stopped showing you affection."

She looked hurt by the comment for a second a sad look on her face. She got off me and went back on her bed. I felt bad for saying that so I went up to her giving her a kiss and apologizing.

Me: "I do have something I want to do though that's why I wanted to leave."

Evelynn: "Hmm what do you want to do honey."

Me: "I want to introduce all of you to my parents."

I smiled

Evelynn: "Hmm okay I'll drive us there I'll tell the others."

I nodded and laid down covering my self in her warm blanket. She pet me and walked away. A few minutes later she came back giving me a small kiss.

Evelynn: "Everyone knows now we only have to wait a few minutes."

She sat down next to me and I got up deciding to clean my self up a bit. I dash to my room changing and putting on some cologne. I combed my hair and tail making sure they were well made. I exited looking a bit better than before. I sat down on the couch waiting for the other girls. After a while everyone came down we all headed for Evelynn's car I called shotgun first much to the dissapointment of akali.

Me: "Hehe you snooze you lose akali."

I headed for the front seat

Evelynn: "No I don't think she did."

Me: "Huh"

I see akali already on the front seat

Evelynn: "If you want to sit at the front you're welcome to sit on my lap."

I stared into her eyes for a moment before quickly sitting down at the back between kai'sa and ahri. Ahri leaned againts me and so did kai'sa. I gave evelynn the directions to their house. It wasn't too far away only about 25 minutes from here. We arrived at their house we all got off and I knocked on the door. The door soon opens my mother standing in the door.

Stephanie: "My baby boy."

She quickly pulls me into a hug

Stephanie: "Oh my who are these fine looking ladies ah where are my manners come in."

We all enter the house and sit down

Michael: "Who is it honey."

Stephanie: "Only our favorite little fox."

Michael walks out of the kitchen heading towards the living room.

Michael: "It's nice to see you again y/n but what's the special occasion."

Me: "Nothing much just wanted to pop by and introduce you to some people."

Ahri: "Hello sir my name is Ahri it's really nice to meet you."

Michael: "It's nice to meet you too but uh be honest with me are you and y/n a couple."

Me: "Really dad that's your first question."

Michael laughs

Michael: "Well of course my son why wouldn't I be curious."

Ahri sits down next time holding my hand

Ahri: "Yes we are a couple i love my sweet y/n very much."

I smile she wasn't technically wrong everyone else introduced themselves.

Akali: "Hello my name is akali."

Evelynn: "A pleasure to meet you my name is evelynn."

Kai'sa: "H-hello my name is kai'sa."

Michael: "Well as y/n probably already told you my name is Michael L/n."

My mother spoke soon after

Stephanie: "And my name is Stephanie L/n I do hope y/n hasn't been too much of a handful."

Evelynn: "No I can say that he has been taught proper manners and looks up to the both of you."

Hmm I wonder how explaining the rest to them will go.

Um welp I think Maco is now sick too I just heard him sneeze his tiny lungs out. I really hope he's alright I don't know what I would do without my partner in peanut arms.

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