Chapter 21

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I was awake now but at the same time I wasn't. I felt weird I turn to my left and don't see ahri. I look around the room I am in it seems familiar. I looked down at my self and see that I am even shorter now. I see a mirror and I walk up to it to see my reflection. This is me from the past but if I'm here then-.

My old bedroom door burst open and my father was there with a bottle.

F/n: "What did I tell you brat."

He picks me up by my hair and slams my face against the mirror shattering it. I let out a yell of pain some of the glass stuck to my face.

F/n: "You stupid fox I should've left you back in the streets."

Slamming my face against a wall now the glass further penetrated my skin the pain was unbearable. Knowing what comes next I cover my head just as I do a bottle smashed against me.


He kicks my ribs full force I was completely unable to breathe the excruciating pain in my body. He stomps on my back almost crushing my organs. Just then my mother walked in.

M/n: "What's wrong honey?"

She sees me and a scowl appears on her face

M/n: "Oh so the piece of shit is causing trouble again."

She laughed and continued approaching me with a pair of scissors

M/n: "Don't worry honey I'll make sure he learns his lesson this time."

She grabs my arm and I started to beg for her to stop.

Young me: "No p-please stop mom I'm sor-"

She slapped me across the face

M/n: "You're not my son you disgrace!"

She cut off a piece of my ear my screams echoed in the room I begged for forgiveness but ultimately I was ignored. She cut off my tail.

M/n: "There now you won't be as ugly."

She stomped on my other ear crushing it. I was unable to move the pain completely unbearable.

F/n: "Take the shit stain out honey he's bleeding on the carpet."

My mother dragged me and threw me outside.

M/n: "Don't even bother coming back you worthless piece of trash."


My eyes shot open tears streaming down my face. I see ahri infront of me with a worried expression.

Ahri: "Are you okay y/n you were screaming in your sleep and shaking begging for forgiveness."

The tears we're still going down my face she quickly pulled me Into a hug. Caressing my ears rubbing my back slowly. She then spoke in a soft tone

Ahri: "It's okay let it all out I'm here for you nobody will hurt you."

I whimpered my tears still coming she continued reassuring me after a few second my cries turned into to a small sob and eventually into sniffles.

Me: "Heh crying in front of someone how pathetic."

She lifted up my face

Ahri: "No one will hate you for having emotions y/n."

She placed her hand against my face I leaned into it. I stopped and she asked

Ahri: "Why were you crying y/n."

I stayed silent and hugged her closer wrapping my tail againts one of hers.

Ahri: "It's something personal isn't it? You don't have to tell me but just know if you ever want to talk about it you can come to any one of us ok?"

I gave her a small nod and she wrapped her tails around me. Then suddenly the door burst open

Akali/Evelynn: What happened/ Is everyone okay

They see me being hugged by ahri I turn to them before turning away. They all rushed over and embraced me. I felt so safe like I could finally relax.

Me: "I'm fine I just had a nightmare."

They eventually let me go evelynn quickly changed the subject.

Evelynn: "So y/n did you enjoy your night with Ahri?"

Ahri: "I know that I did."

A blush appears on my face

Evelynn: "Or a better question why didn't you just tell me you were in heat. I would've taken good care of you y/n~"

She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me in close for a kiss. She pulled away giggling I smile

Me: "Because you would've taken every opportunity to make me your own."

Evelynn: "Well of course why wouldn't I"

We all laughed at our conversation

Me: "For as much as I want to stay in bed I still need to go to school."

I got up and walked to the bathroom doing my usual morning routine. I brought in clothes so I wouldn't have to go in my room again.

I quickly got dressed and as I was about to teleport to school akali hugs me.

Akali: "I love you y/n"

I smile and say

Me: "I love you too akali"

I gave her a small kiss

Me: "I have to go now I'll be back after school."

I quickly let go and teleported to the school walking in feeling like a king my ego at an all time high. Someone taps my back I turn to see b/f/n

Me: "Oh hey what's up b/f/n."

She smiled and then spoke

B/f/n "Nothing but I did see your little interview I still can't believe you told everyone you're with akali."

I shushed her and hopped no one heard her

Me: "I have no idea what you're talking about grandson is with akali."

???: "Well well well if it isn't y/n l/n."

I turn again and see Thomas Paine and my bitch of an ex

Jessica: "You tell him honey."

Me: "Do you want to start another fight because I think we both know how our last fight ended."

I was getting ready to sneak him but then Ms. Fiora stepped in front of us.

Fiora: "Already starting trouble Mr. L/n?"

Me: "No ma'am I'm simply heading to class."

Fiora: "Good now Mr. Paine I hope you aren't causing Me. l/b problems."

Thomas: "N-no ma'am."

Me and b/f/n left heading to class. Let's just get this over with.

So a quick question are the characters personality set up well in the story? Like for evelynn I wanted her to be a heavily sexual person but also one that deeply cares about y/n. And for Kai'sa I wanted a character that was shy and nervous. For ahri I kinda wanted a smart yet still sexual person not as much as evelynn. And for akali I kinda wanted her to be a cool but affectionate person.

Another question how far can I go with the lemons, I have seen some messed up stuff so I can write some pretty messed up stuff. I wanted to add a fetish for y/n but I'm not really sure what fetish.

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