Chapter 24

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Akali walked up to me and forced me to sit down. I was getting more nervous they seemed to notice evelynn slowly ran her hand over my ears she hugged my left arm and ahri hugged my left.

Evelynn: "I heard what you said in your room y/n."

Me: "W-what are you talking about."

She let out a sigh my fear quickly rose higher.

Evelynn: "Girls I would like to talk to y/n alone."

They all nodded leaving me alone with evelynn. She told me to lay down so I did and she pulled me in front of her. She wrapped her arms around me and continued to run her hand trough my hair.

Evelynn: "I heard what you said about me y/n."

A chill runs down my spine my heart started to beat faster. She hugged me even closer than before her chin on my shoulder.

Evelynn: "I didn't know you didn't like being called that I... I am sorry."

Me: "N-no you're okay I didn't mean it I was just not in the right state of mind."

Evelynn: "Speaking of that, tell me, what exactly is the cause of this."

I let out a sigh my hear rate now a bit slower.

Me: "Do you promise not to make fun of me if I do?"

She gave me a nod and I begin to explain the life story of y/n

Me: "My parents were abusive to me in my early years with them. They weren't my real parents I remember them adopting me."

She continued to pet me

Me: "At first it was ok they treated me good I really felt like I was a part of their family I was a young child at the time 8 years old if I remember correctly. But after the first few months they started to make me do different tasks for them. I always did them but everyone now and again I would mess up."

She nodded listening closely

Me: "The work they assigned me changed into much more difficult work and I would mess up a lot more often. The punishments got a lot worse from lashes to the back to kicks on the jaw."

I felt Evelynn's jaw clenching againts my shoulder

Me: "Eventually they would just beat me relentlessly for anything wether I would breath to loud or I tripped and fell. They would always call me ugly and would beat me for my appearance. They hated my ears and tail calling it the devil's features."

I started to choke up remembering what happened.

Me: "T-they cut off my e-ear and crushed the other then she c-cut off my tail."

I whimpered tears forming on my eyes as I remembered every detail so clearly.

Evelynn: "Those pieces of shit DARE TOUCH MY Y/N!"

It felt like her grip was crushing me I gasped the air was forced out of my lungs. She quickly noticed and let go.

Evelynn: "Sorry sweetie I didn't mean to do that."

I continued to explain the rest and I laid back in her arms

Me: "After that I survived for a year pick pocketing people to get food. I wasn't proud of it but it was the only option back then I was only ten years old I couldn't exactly get a job."

I let out a small sigh I guess I really am telling my life story

Me: "When I was about 12 I came across a nice couple they took me in. They were amazing people and I still consider them to be my family even if we aren't blood related.

She nodded turning me around to face her.

Me: "At first I was worried they would be like my last family but, they weren't my new mother's name was Stephanie L/n and my father was Michael L/n."

Evelynn: "A wonderful last name y/n."

She gave me a small kiss to the head

Me: "They were amazing people, they fixed me right up I was taught properly and was sent to a school. That's were I met b/f/n she was the only one to have ever stood up for me besides my parents. She was so kind she treated me like a normal person and she actually like my ears and tail. But others didn't so I grew insecure and hid my tail using a hoodie to hide my ears unless I was with her or my parents."

Evelynn: "I happen to find your ears adorable."

I blushed and smiled she quickly smiled back.

Me: *A few years passed and I was now in my soft more year of highschool where I fell in love with music and unfortunately jessica. "

Evelynn: "Who is Jessica?"

Me: "She was my crush at the time we ended up going out together I broke it off when I caught her cheating with my bully Thomas Paine. I didn't really care but it still hurt for a while."

Evelynn looked angry for a second but she soon calmed down.

Me: "Fast forward a 2 years and I'm heading to class with b/f/n on a normal boring day when she tells me about this raffle going on for a band. She singed me up without me knowing and a day later I go to see K/DA's concert with a VIP seat. I spend a day with the group and they see me playing my music. Next thing I know the leader of the group gets me a contract. I move in with the group where I spend a few days with them soon I get Introduced to the world as grandson. After that I spend a night with the diva of the group. From there I spent more time with everyone and now, we are here."

A/n: I literally just summarized my whole story in one paragraph that's, just sad.

Evelynn looked at me for a second I stared into her eyes those alluring golden eyes stared into mine. A sad expression made its way onto her face. She caressed my face

Evelynn: "Why would anyone put someone like you through all that."

She hugged me tight

Evelynn: "I don't know how I would survive without you around y/n, you're so... You, completely one of a kind. Adorable like a puppy but cable of turning into a wolf at the drop of a hat."

She slowly pet me scratching my ears in a very soothing manner.

Evelynn: "Do you mine if I tell the other?"

I shake my head and slightly push my self out of her grasp a wide smile on my face. I leaned in and gave her a kiss pressing my lips against hers gently I then nuzle on her neck.

Me: "I love you evelynn."

Evelynn: "I love you too, y/n."

He got big angry

He got big angry

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