Chapter 03

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- 'There's Hell in hello' ~unknown

"Sisi unjani?" Asks the nurse I was assigned to.

Me : "I'm okay and you."

Nurse : "Ngiyaphila. How can I help?"  I hand her the letter I was given , she starts signing the papers , another nurse walks in and stands by the door before walking in and stands behind the other nurse's chair and reads the papers.

Nurse 2 : "WeOe , you signing a termination letter."

Nurse 1 : "what?" She looks at me intensely then sighs before she tears the papers and throws them in the bin. My tears gush out.

Nurse 1 : "Mina I thought it's the usual papers for medications and stuff."  The other nurse shakes her head.

Nurse2 : "Sorry ngan'yami but we can't do that." I nod then walk out. I walk down the street just so I can think.

"Hi beautiful."  I turn and it's some lady.

Me : "Hi."

Lady : "I am Wandisile but you can call me Wandi."

Me : "I'm Hlonela."

Wandi : "Come , let's go have some lunch." She says already grabbing my hand and we walk to the main road where she hails a taxi.

Taxi Conductor : "Niyaphi?"

Wandi : "KwaMax."  He nods. We get to this chilled place , music pumping but not so crowded since it's still early. We settle in a table and we are attended almost immediately.

Waiter : "Greetings , I'm Fikile and I'll be your waitress for today." Now I'm thinking of my days working in the pub and I kinda miss it a bit. Although I never liked the workplace but it had become home.

Wandi : "Can I have a glass of wine nje." Fikile nods and notes it down on her pad.

Me : "a glass of guava juice please."  Our drinks come after some time.

Wandi : "We'll also have your big meat platter and 6 rolls please." She nods and walks away. Wandi turns to me.

Wandi : "Are you really this quiet?" I smile

Me : "No , I'm just not used to you." She nods.

Wandi : "I understand , I'm sorry for being so forward."

Me : " It's okay really plus I also needed a distraction a bit."

Wandi : "Wanna talk about it?"

Me : "I'm coming from the clinic , I want to terminate but the nurses didn't let me get those forms."  She looks at me.

Wandi : "I think that was God. Maybe it's a sign for you to not terminate. God can never give you burden that you wouldn't be able to carry. Keep that baby , I know it's selfish of me since I don't even know where you come from but what if that's the only child you might ever have in this world? What if this child is your breakthrough? Think this through before you take your decision and know that I'm now your friend and I'll support you."  I hold her hand.

Me : "Thank you so much , I needed that."  She smiles at me. Fikile brings our food and we start eating with Wandi throwing jokes and me laughing my ass off.

A/N -I know it's short , forgive me please.

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