Chapter 51

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#15 : ☡ [warning!] If you are sensitive then please skip this chapter.


I have been adjusting quite well here and my kids love this place so that also makes me happy. Nkazi has started going to daycare and only comes back no later than 2pm. My staff is very sweet and like my family so that makes it easy for all of us to live with each other. 

Nkazi : "Love you mama." She said planting a wet kiss on my lip making me giggle. My baby is so grown , she'll be turning three very soon.

Me : "I love you Nkosazana."  She giggles , she loves being called Nkosazane.

Calvin : "Let's go Missy."  He says walking in the lounge and takes Nkazi's bag , Nkazi hugs me for a while and keeps on planting kisses around my face and playing with my face.

Nkazi : "Bye , love you mama!" I smile and kiss her.

Me : "I love you too my baby." She runs off , following Calvin.

After they left , I started cleaning around my room then went to take a shower before going to the kitchen for some breakfast.

Me : "Hello mah."  I greet MaNtuli who was feeding my son , my son was also growing fast and was more and more looking like his father.

MaNtuli : "Hi my baby. MaMzobe left your food in the warmer , she's in the backyard sweeping." I nod taking my plate and warm it up then settle down and eat. My phone rings disturbing me , it's an unknown number but I answer anyway.

Caller : "So vele , you made sure to feed my son lobe potion just so he can leave everything of his to you and your brats? Khohlwa ngeke ukubone lokho!"  He hisses and I already know it's Mr Biyela Snr.

Me : "No Mr Biyela , I would never do that ; you know my grandparents mos so I'm sure you don't think I'd want your son's assets when my grandparents have 100 times more of what you talking about." 

Mr Biyela : "Just so you know , I will make sure you don't find any peace in your life as long as you don't wanna sign those assets over to me."

Me : "How shameless can you be?! You wanna go around threatening people for their assets they worked hard for! That's your son's hard work!"

Mr Biyela : " Exactly and i won't let some sl#* have that all in the name of love and some stupid ass Will."

Me : "Why didn't you just work on your own legacy and stop torturing people for theirs!?!"

Mr Biyela : "Hey! I called...."

Me : "Yazi , I wouldn't be surprised if you the one that killed him"  he starts laughing.

Mr Biyela : "Bye 'makoti' Watch your back from here on."  He says coldly. 


I was sitting in the lounge studying while my son was asleep , I was actually passing time as I was waiting for Nkazi. She should be here any minute now from school.

MaMzobe : "Nkazi's lunch is ready and in the warmer."  She says disturbing me. I nod. Honestly I'm still spooked by that old man's call in the morning and luckily for me my calls are recorded.

Me : "Thank you mah."  A loud honk comes through and that means Nkazi is home. Loud gunshots go off startling me , making my heart stop beating. I immediately run outside but I meet a bloody Calvin by the door and he stops me. I scream and kick for him to let me go but he just holds me right until the gunshots die down.

Me : "Where's my child !!?! Iphi ingane yami Calvin?!" I scream when I don't find Nkazi in the car. I run towards the guards , they staring at something. I push through them and one of them tried holding me back but I manage to get through them and there lies my babygirl's small lifeless body with bullet holes in her small fragile body.

Me : "Why are you still standing?! Get help?!!!"  I scream at them crying , I scoop my baby up as bloody as she is and get in the car with the guards. I cradle her shivering small body , she opens her eyes a little and smiles at me.

Me : "Nkosazana , hold on for mama okay? I love you." She then breathes out and closes her eyes.

Me : "Nkazi wami , don't close your eyes my baby!?! Okay My gift?!" I say caressing her cheeks and keep on kissing her face. We get to the hospital and the paramedics that meet us half way to help us shake their heads after they took her from me.

Paramedic 1 : "There's no pulse."

Paramedic 2 : "Time of death. 2:49 PM."  I scream.

Me : "Noooo! Not my baby! Wake her up please!!! Ngiyan'cela!!" I cry out.

THE END!!!!!

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