Chapter 07

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{Not narrative}

I wake up to a messy dead asleep Wawa next to me ; one eyelash , her  braids all over her face. I chuckle before I get up and use the bathroom. After my quick shower , I go back to the bedroom and lotion then settle for Wandi's clothes , sweatpants & t-shirt. I walk out of the room and go to the lounge where I can hear voices. I greet MaBiyela and her husband.

Me : "Mah , can I please have Nkazi , I need to breastfeed her and the milk is full now." Bab'Biyela intimidates me and I'm grateful that MaBiyela understands what I was tryna say to her , she hands me my baby which was in her arms.

MaBiyela : "I guess I'll have the little missy some other time cause I won't be home today."  I smile and nod. That's when I notice that they both are dressed up well.

Me : "No problem mah."  She kisses my cheek before they bid goodbye and walk out. I settle on the couch and breastfeed my baby. Isipho sami , she is indeed my gift ; a gift from God although I wouldn't say I like the way she was conceived which makes me wonder if I'll ever get to meet him again , if he'd ever find out that he left his seed with me , if he'd ever be happy to meet his baby but then again how when I myself don't even remember the guy who made me a mother. I don't think I could ever point him out nor would I remember how he smelt or how he held me and caressed me that night ; I admit I was stupid but it had to be done. Sigh.

I change my baby into warm clothes and pack her things and mine , I leave a note for Wandi when she wakes up then I request and leave. I get to 'my place' and put down the forever sleeping Nkazi before making food for me then sit down and eat.

"Nkqo nkqo!"  Someone knocks on the front door , I go check and it's sis'Hlengiwe. I open for her.

Me : "Hi sis , I didn't know you were coming back."

Hlengi : "It's not like I need your approval now hey?"  I maintain my tight smile covering the shock.

Me : "I'm sorry."  She smiles and pats my shoulder twice before walking to the lounge.

Hlengi : "I need you to look for a place to stay for you , I'll help you with rent for the first six months while you look for a job."  Oh Lord !! Just when I thought everything was coming alright , this happens?

Me : *clears throat*  "Okay."  I go attend to the wailing Nkazi. I pick her up and hush her before breastfeeding her. My baby is cute though yazi , I love the fact that she had my caramel skin tone and black rich curly hair ; she's beautiful. Now I have to use my savings and I'm more than glad that I saved money every chance I got.

Now where do I begin looking for a place to stay , I cannot keep on depending on Wandi everytime , it's already enough that she plays 'daddy' to my baby by taking care of all her needs. When I'm done feeding Nkazi , I burp her then lay her on her bed. I get on my phone and sign in to Gumtree and look for available places , I come across this good one room apartment in Sydenham. I schedule for iviewing during the week then continue looking for other places.

"Wake up sis and come eat."  Sis'Hlengiwe's voice erupts as she softly shakes me. I ended up falling asleep with my baby.

Me : "I'll be there."  I wipe my face and rinse my mouth then follow her to the lounge where there are two ladies and an older woman sitting in the lounge.

Me : "Sanibonani."  I greet them , they greet back.

Hlengi : "Follow me Nela." We walk to the kitchen , "please take these to the lounge"  she says handing me a tray with three plates of food , I do so then return. She hands me a small box of pizza and gives me a small smile

Hlengi : "I'm sorry the food wasn't enough , uhm and please eat in your room." I clear my throat and nod then she walks out. I leave the pizza in the warmer and go back to the bedroom I'm using. I'm seriously baffled by Sis'Hlengiwe's sudden behavior , while she was away she was like this good person and now she's back and ....argh! I don't even know why I'm rambling cause being treated like this has been my life ever since I could remember.

I start packing my things and baby's things , he door bursts open and the older woman enters looking furious?

Woman : "Hello nana , I'm MaSithole , Hlengiwe's mother."  I smile and nod.

Me : "Nice to meet you MaSithole ; I'm Hlonela Mbanjwa."  She displays a shocked look which she quickly covers with a big fake smile.

MaSithole : "Do you perhaps know the Dubes?" Lord , I thought those people were finally our of my life but here is a woman asking me about those monsters that I despise with everything in me.

Me : *clears throat*  "Uhm yes."  She raises her raises eyebrows as though she's surprised or something close to that.

MaSithole : "Listen , uHlehle actually made a mistake , I need you out by Tuesday atleast because we have very important guests coming over and we wouldn't want them uncomfortable or something here , you know."  I smile and nod

Me : "I understand ma'am."  She walks out. I text Wandi about what's happening , she reads but doesn't reply ; minutes later my phone rings and it's Wandi

Me : "Wawa."

Wandi : "I'm outside , come out with a few bags we'll fetch the rest tomorrow."  Then hangs up. I text her to come help me.


I strap Nkazi on my back and make sure she's covered. Someone knocks and opens the door , Wandi walks in and she just hugs me.

Wandi : "I am your sister now."  I smile. She gets all the bags while I take my handbag and the bag with all the important documents. We walk out

MaSithole : "I wasn't getting rid of you."  I smile at her.

Me : "It's okay ma'am." Wandi just rolls her eyes and walks out then comes back with some guy and gets all Nkazi's things that were heavy with the guy's help and loads it in the car they came with. I walk out following them , I get in the back of the Jeep then un-strap Nkazi from my back since she was awake. The car then drives off.

Wandi : "Nxah! Those ungrateful bastards! After looking after that harlot's house , not even a thank you?! Nxah bayizinja nje! Taking advantage of your kindness  , nawe wathula Hlonela! Ay nawe and your idiot good heart man!"  She's shouting and it's clear that she is fuming but shouldn't it be the other way around.

Guy : "You are so dramatic kodwa Wawa!"  He says chuckling while driving.

Wandi : "Mxm. Anyway Hlonela this is Thabiso my cousin and cuz this is Hlonela."  Thabiso takes a quick glance at me before focusing on the road again.

Thabiso : "Wait you mean thee Nela , as in uNela ka...." Wandi cuts him off.

Wandi : "Yes , the Nela I've been telling y'all about."

Thabiso : "Ohh okay. It's nice to meet you Nela. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I'm just shocked that my dear cousin can actually make friends."  We laugh while Wandi groans.

Me : "No problem , where are we off to Wawa?"

Wandi : "My place , in Musgrave."  I nod.

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