Chapter 14

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Gabisile : "Thokoza"  she claps.

Dinangwe : "Ntombazane , what do you want?"

Gabisile : "I need a herb that I can use for someone to fall in love with me."

Dinangwe : "No problem I will help but you have to make sure you don't run out because once the herb I give you runs out it'll be like that man's love for you ran out too and it'll take time to make him fall in love with you again."

Gabisile : "I understand."

Dinangwe : "I will give you a herb that you have to bath with while calling out his name and make it like you speaking to him,  tell him what you want from him ; the other one you will apply it in your private part and make sure you sleep with him within 24 hours of using that and he'll never leave your side."  Gabisile grins.

Gabisile : "Makhosi!" She claps.

Dinangwe : "But first I have to cleanse you. Take off your clothes and follow me."  She does as told and follows him.


Bab'Dube : "Ey ey ey Dumsile leave me alone man!"

MaDube : "No , tell me the truth. Is that girl Ntombikayise's daughter or not?! Y'all have been lying to me for such a long time now and it stops now!"

Bab'Dube : "Fine! She's not , we stole her from hospital. She is Nobuhle's daughter."

MaDube : "What? You mean you stole Nobuhle's daughter just because she never wanted to withdraw her charges after you did what you did? Your daughter is also stupid man! If only I knew Lord! Yoh!"

Bab'Dube : "Oh stop this because when they find out they'll assume you also knew because 1)You mistreated her , 2) you married to me , 3) you tried to sell her off to some old man. So stop with all this saint behaviour yokunuka! Nx."

MaDube : "Whatever! What was even your daughter's reason for helping you with such nonsense?"

Bab'Dube : "They both fell in love with the same guy but the guy chose Nobuhle and I guess that infuriated Kayise."

MaDube : "So I guess it's like father like daughter huh?" She laughs and walks out.

A happy Gabisile walks in the house and goes to the lounge and joins Bab'Dube.

Gabisile : "hawu Sawubona Shozi." She smiles at him as she settles next to him.

Bab'Dube : "How are you my girl?" He asks staring at her.

Gabisile : "I'm feeling hot nje."

Bab'Dube : "hawu , take off that jacket phela."  She smiles shyly and takes it off , revealing her sexy cleavage and Bab'Dube doesn't take his eyes of her. They share some eye contact then Bab'Dube smashes his lips on Gabisile's but she backs away.

Gabisile : "Aibo what are you doing?"

Bab'Dube : "Shhh...I know you want this and uDumsile isn't home." She nods and they continue kissing before moving to the spare room and licking themselves inside.

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