Chapter 36

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Doc : "Ma'am I'm not fighting you but maybe they have been a mistake or something , you can talk to me I'll help you." 

MaDube : "I would never poison my husband! I'm telling you , believe me!"

Doc : "then who poisoned him cause he was found in your bedroom and you admitted that he ate supper that YOU cooked. So after he eats the supper he collapses?"

MaDube : "Hear me out."

Doc : "Wait , Gentlemen. This is the wife of the poisoned man."  She says turning to the two police officers.

MaDube : "What are they doing here?"

Doc : "Ma'am these are the officers , officer Mkhwanazi and Moonsamy."

Officer Moonsamy : "Thank you Doc , we'll take it from here." She nods and walks away.

Officer Mkhwanazi : "mama , we have to take you with to the station for questioning. Follow us." They all walk out.

<<<<< At the Station. >>>>>

-Interrogation Room.

Officer Mkhwanazi : "Mama. Please take us down through the events of last night." She breathes out heavily.

MaDube : "Last night I had dinner with my husband , it was a Tuesday night so every Tuesdays I prepare his favorite meal which is dumplings and chicken curry and I didn't eat cause I was going out so I'd eat when I return. We sat together eating then after dinner I left. I came back home to find my husband unconscious in our bedroom."

Officer Mkhwanazi : "Right so wena , you didn't eat the food you cooked?"

MaDube : "Cha baba."

Officer Mkhwanazi : "Mmhm. You left after dinner?"

MaDube : "Yes."

Officer Mkhwanazi : "What I'm hearing from you is that wena you served your husband his favorite meal then watched him eat all the food then you went out , angisho?"

MaDube : "Y....yes.."

Officer Mkhwanazi : "That means you made him his favorite meal so that he doesn't reject the food or become suspicious , then you kept him company so that you are sure ukuthi he eats the food and doesn't let your poison go to waste then you left the house so that you'd defend yourself with 'I wasn't home' once you find him dead in the morning! You even made sure to use a deadly substance on his pillow incase your poison doesn't work huh?"

MaDube : "Aiboooo! No! What deadly substance are you on about?"

Officer Mkhwanazi : "You knew ukuthi once he breathes the substance he'll die but unfortunately for you , he survived."

MaDube : "Kodwa jesuuu! I don't know what are y'all taking about!"

Officer Mkhwanazi : "Ey we know people like you weMama ndini so wena until your husband wakes up , you'll be staying in a holding cell."

MaDube : "But that's not fair!"

Officer Mkhwanazi : "Ey weMama! Phela we got a tip off from one of your neighbors who told us that your husband abuses you physically. Let's hope the law will sympathize with you trying to 'defend' yourself by killing your husband."

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