Chapter 19

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{Not narrative}

Sihle wants to take me out today , we would be spending the whole day together. By the way Mkhulu made me quit my job and said I'll be going to school then he and my uncle's went to Wawa's place and got my things well not before thanking Wawa for her kindness , they came back home with Mandy too so now Mandy's apartment was for the boys. Mandy is still angry at them for that.

Mkhulu : "Amanda! Come let's go." That's Mandy by the way.

Mandy : "Where are we going cause I'm busy."

Mkhulu : "I'll slap you mina , if you still angry about the apartment sorry but there's no girl child who moves out of home just nje , a girl only moves out of home when and if they getting married."  Mandy rolls her eyes and follows him out. I just continue feeding Nkazi.

Mah : "Good morning my loves." She says kissing Nkazi and mine's foreheads. A hooter honks outside , I give mom Nkazi and take my things.

Me : "Bye mommy , that's my ride." Mom is always at home with Nkazi , she insists by the way. I get in the car and we kiss then he drives off.

Sihle : "we only going for lunch since I have to get back to work , okay?"  I nod. My phone rings and it's a number I don't know , I catch Sihle eyeing my phone. I answer.

Me : "hello?"

Person : "Baby mama." His voice!

Me : "Oh hey!"

Nkosi : "I was wondering if I can take y'all out for ice cream?"

Me : "I'm not at home now but Nkazi is with mom and I'll tell mom to get her ready for you."

Nkosi : "And where do I fetch you?" I clear my throat.

Me : "Unfortunately you'll have to go without me."  He groans.

Nkosi : "What will I do with a toddler alone? I'm scared seriously."  I laugh.

Me : "Come on!"

Nkosi : "Okay fine!" We bid goodbye and cut the call.


We settle for lunch at Spur in Gateway.

Sihle : "should I be worried?"

Me : "Worried? About what?"

Sihle : "Anything."

Me : "I don't think so , why ask me that?"

Sihle : "I didn't mean to offend you but you just a beautiful woman and I'm a jealous person."

Me : "Well should I be worried about your jealous persona?"

Sihle : "Not at all , I'm just....scared to lose you to any guy you know? I mean you beautiful so I'm lucky to have you."  Insecure much?!

Me : "mmh" we finish our lunch and he settles the bill , we walk out hand in hand.

Me : "Can we get ice cream?"  I say as we are about to pass an ice cream parlor.

Sihle : "I don't like ice cream." And we pass the ice cream parlor like that. This guy!

"Mama!" I look closely and it's my Nkazi and she's with her father. I retract my hand from Sihle's and take my baby.

Me : "I thought you said you were scared." He chuckles.

Nkosi : "Well we here to get snacks and go chill in the park."

Sihle : "Can we go?!"

Me : "Oh sorry , you can leave since you have to get to work."  He stares at me and walks off.

Nkosi : "Ouuhh boyfriend?"

Me : "Shut up!"  He laughs and we walk inside the mall with Nkazi grabbing my face and planting wet kisses on my face.

Nkosi : "You want ice cream?" I smile and nod at him.

Me : "please."  I put Nkazi down , he comes back with two cups of ice cream , he hands me one. We sit by the benches.

Nkosi : "How do you eat such a sweet thing?" He asks frowning after eating a scoop from his. He feeds Nkazi the rest.

Me : "Ice cream is heaven!"  He shakes his head.

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