Chapter 43

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Gabisile : "Mama , baba please give me a chance to explain myself?"

Thulani : "I thought I told you that I don't want you in my house ever again!"

Gabisile : "I know and I....."

Thulani : "I don't care! You lost parents the time you decided to sleep with those two old men which one of them happens to be my stepfather Gabisile! What nonsense is that heh? You want to have aids as young as you are?! You are not even 21 but you are busy playing old men! I don't know you mina! You aren't my daughter , you aren't that little girl I raised!"

Gabisile : "Kodwa baba , I did what I did cause I wanted to get closer to those men and revenge mom , myself and other young girls that were his victims!"  She sobs.

Nomalanga : "D...don't!" She also weeps.

Gabisile : "Yes I know mah! I know that dad's stepfather raped you and that uGogo covered it up for him. I know! He also raped me when I was 12 mah! He did and he threatened me after making me witness him shoot some man. They thought I wouldn't remember but I remember. MaKhathini was also there too but he only touched me."

Nomalanga : "Oh Nkosi yami!"  She weeps.

Thulani : "I'm sorry , uthini? What did you do to them?"

Gabisile : "I was working with someone who had wanted to take them out for sometime now. He got them arrested by his associates that are police."

Thulani : "You mean my mother condoned his husband's malicious ways?"

Gabisile : "Yes , it's a miracle that they never did anything to Hlonela or maybe they did ; I don't know."

Nomalanga : "You want to come back home?"

Gabisile : "No it's fine , I have an apartment and I have money so I'm cool."
Thulani : "So you won't move back home?"

Gabisile : "No , I think it's time I learn to be independent. I was just here to explain why I did what I did not ask to move back home."

Nomalanga : "Sisi please come home. I also want to meet my grandson."

Gabisile : "I'll come visit you with him tomorrow. I'm moving to Joburg or Durban."


Gasa : "I want you to take care of that woman. I want her to be more than traumatised. Make her traumatised to a point where she looses it then cripple her. I don't care what you do but I want her to be like what I've just said. It's time she pays."

Guy : "Roger that boss."

Gasa : "Also get me a good small house around Musgrave , it must be child-friendly and accommodating please. Call me when you find it."

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