Chapter 37

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- #Chapter 37

I spent three days in Aphiwe's home since her father had to cleanse me the isichitho that was used on me. Mkhulu was here to fetch me today n he had left the same night he arrived.

Aphiwe : "I will miss you so much. It was nice having some young as me for a change in this house." We hug.

Me : "We should definitely keep contact , I'll take you out for lunch one of these days."

Aphiwe : "Please do and come with the famous Nkazi , I'd love to meet her and see her." I smile.

Me : "Definitely. Lemme give you my number." I punch in my tens in her phone and save them.

Mkhulu : "let's go ntombi!!" We hug again then I hug her mom who was next to us now.

MaBhengu : "Visit us phela."

Me : "I will mah."

Dlamini : "Take care ntombazane especially of your health."

Me : "Thank you so much for your help baba." He chuckles and hugs me.

Dlamini : "Go on now , your old man is getting impatient." I rush to the car since Mkhulu had already started the car. I wave as he drives off and hoots.


Mom : Kodwa Nomandla! Don't you ever worry me like that please. I thought I lost you again." She says already crying and squeezing me , dad hugs me too. Her father walks in.

Bab'Gasa : "Nomandla. Do you have any idea how worried we were? I've sent people out to look for you. Couldn't you call atleast to inform us that you Okay?!" This man is super scary especially when he's angry and it doesn't help that he's colored with tattoos too.

Bab'Ndlovu : "Who told you that she was Okay?"

Bab'Gasa : "Here she is in front of me!"

Bab'Ndlovu : "Makoti and your boyfriend. I'm taking her with me and it's not up for discussions. Y'all are too ignorant on things , you didn't even inform me that my granddaughter was hospitalized! Why?! Mhm Mandla!" They both look down.

Dad : "We are sorry Gatsheni but we just didn't want to stress you or uMah."

Bab'Ndlovu : "Why don't you ask her what happened to her since her face is now clear?!" He shouts. I excuse myself to my room as Mkhulu shouts at my parents. I start by typing Nathi a message asking to see him , he replies immediately agreeing.

Thirty minutes later he calls saying he's outside , I manage to sneak out as Mkhulu was still shouting.

Nathi : "Hey baby." He says kissing my head and hands me a sleeping Nkazi , I kiss her.

Me : "Hey. I don't have much time." 

Nathi : "I missed you baby." We kiss deeply then break it after some time.

Me : "I have to tell you something." He nods. I start telling him about how I just had a rash on my face , the cramps , fainting , waking up in hospital , EVERYTHING. I tell him everything and by the time I'm done his eyes are red and his jaws keep on twitching.

Nathi : "Are you Okay?"

Me : "I'm fine." He nods.

Nathi : "I'll talk to my parents then get back to you."

Me : "Please do."

Nathi : "I'll check on you later."

Me : "Don't bother , I don't think I'll be here."

Nathi : "Oh okay. Are we good?"

Me : "Bye Nkosinathi." I open the door and carefully step out of the car with my sleeping beauty then walk home.

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