Chapter 2

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"So what's your plans now, Lena?" My grandad asked, sitting across the table.

I wiped my mouth with my napkin and placed it down in my lap, "Uh well...uhm my friend Nat wants me to join her in Hawaii to celebrate..."

"Oh, okay." My dad said, "So a vacation. That would be good."

"Hawaii?" My mom then cut in.

I nodded, "Yeah...of course it won't be just the two of us. My other friend Sadie is coming as well."

"A girl vacation in Hawaii. Sounds like it's gonna be a...what do you kids say now a days...Lit?" My grandad said.

Tyler and my dad began to laugh.

"It doesn't sound too bad, it's good to travel young." My dad said to mom.

She gave dad a stinky eye, "It's also dangerous, Stan. You know how Nat can be...she has a drinking problem."

"Nat isn't dangerous." I said with an attitude.

Dad placed his hand on my shoulder to stop me from saying more, "Donna, all young adults drink. It's not like it's illegal for them. Lena's 24." Dad said to mom.

My mom didn't look happy and slammed down her napkin as she left the dinner table.

The table fell silent.

"You go to Hawaii, kid. Don't let that cranky woman stop you." My grandad said. I'll never understand how my mom was related to him. He was so sweet and funny compared to her.

I wanted to smile at his joke, but I couldn't help but feel sad. Mom has always been this way, what was I expecting?

After dinner, I went up to my room. It wasn't cluttered like before because I had sold most of my stuff and boxed all the things I wanted to keep after college.

My laptop dinged as I went to sit at my desk and when I lifted it, I saw that it was a requested FaceTime from Nat.

Once I joined, Sadie and Nat were all there.

"Hey! How'd it go? Did she take it well?" Nat asked.

"What do you think?" I asked.

Nat nodded, "Yeah, I figured that. But, you're still coming right?"

"Uhm...yeah! It's Hawaii plus summer vacation...of course I'm coming."

Sadie cheered, "Pack your best bikinis cuz we going to Hawaii, baby!"

The next day, I had said my goodbyes to everyone. Tyler didn't want to let go of me but eventually he had to.

I tried getting something out of mom but she ignored me.

Everyone wished me a safe trip as I hopped into Nats Jeep.

They both screeched as Nat pulled away, "Here we go!"

The drive was going to be 5 hours and 40 minutes, we had planned to get a hotel there and sleep that entire day and after, we'd go do some fun shit.

As we were exiting California, we all raised our arms up in the air and felt the cool air, "Hawaii, here we come!"

"Wooo!" Sadie yelled out towards the street ahead.

I couldn't imagine what waited ahead. All I knew, is that I wasn't going to turn back now.

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