Chapter 61

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"So, Jimin. Tell me about yourself." My dad said, resting his chin on top of his hands with a big grin.

This will be good to hear. Jimin's life goes way back. Further than my dads.

Wow, I'm dating someone older than my own dad.

Jimin cleaned his lips off with the napkin and cleared his throat before answering dads personal question. Difficult one I'm sure for a vampire. Makes me wonder though, what does Jimin do for a living? I never got the confidence to ask him. Will he make up a lie that sounds like a normal human life? Or does he have a non suspicious job after all?

"What do you want to know?" Jimin asked, smiling and making small talk. I couldn't tell if Jimin was nervous or comfortable with this question.

My dad shrugged, "Are only child?" He asked as he glances at Tyler and me.

Of all questions, what made him want to ask that? He could of asked him what everyone is wondering. Like, what does he do for a living?

Jimin nodded, not really happy to talk about Jungkook, "One brother." He answered, swirling his spaghetti around his fork.

"Really? Just like Lena over here." My dad said as he goes back to his food, "So, how old is your brother?"

Jimin cocked his head a bit with a smirk, "20."

I chuckled while stirring my spaghetti around. mean 120?

"Something funny, Lena?" My dad asked, making me realize that I laughed out loud.

"He's young." I laughed nervously. So young yet so old compared to my family.

My dad's eyes got big, "If 20's young, then how old are you?" He asked, looking at Jimin.

My dad's eyes got big, "If 20's young, then how old are you?" He asked, looking at Jimin

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Jimin smiled and looked at me, "26." He answered, smirking while he glances at me.

My dad snickered, "Ah, that's nothing. Lena is 24. You're good."

So he thinks. What he doesn't know is that I'm dating one of the oldest vampires on the planet. Not compared to Jackson though. He's fucking ancient.

"26 is pretty old." Tyler cuts in while stabbing a meatball.

"Tyler." I say with shock. I thought he and Jimin were on good terms. Now he's dissing his age?

"No, it's okay." Jimin said, folding his napkin and placing it on the table, "It is an old number, but it gives me more advantages."

Tyler tilted his head, "Like what?"

I glared over at Jimin. He better not try and argue with a kid.

"Well, I have access to my own money. Therefore I can buy whatever I want." Jimin said, smirking. I lowered my hand under the table and pinched his thigh. Jimin quickly grabbed my hand and held it.

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