Chapter 11

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I applied for Apple and they told me I could start right away. I was honestly surprised.

Obviously I told them I could start today, so they gave me a apple blue shirt. I wouldn't get my name tag just yet, so they gave me a tag and wrote my name on it.

I was sorta nervous but it's not like they'd just throw me on the floor.

I was put with Kyle who wasn't really interested in me. He seemed like he hated his job and I knew he wasn't happy when he was put to train me.

He barely explained much but I kinda understood everything after awhile. This shouldn't be too hard.


"What else did I need?" I asked my assistant.

"Nothing, sir. You've gotten everything." He answered back.

I nodded and turned around. That's when I saw someone familiar in a store. Was it...her? couldn't be. It would be a huge coincidence if Lena was here too.

I guess there's only one way to find out.

"Is there something else, sir?" My assistant asked.

"Matter a fact, yes." I said, heading towards the Apple store.

The girl obviously worked here because she was wearing the Apple T-shirt.

She was walking around, making sure everyone was going okay.

Her face slightly turned and that's when I was most definitely her.

I followed behind her as she was stopped by a customer. I didn't want to get caught just yet, so I pretended to look at one of the phones.

"I can not tell you because I do not know, but my coworker over there Kyle, can help you with that."

She smiled at the customer as they accepted her useless help and carried off to her coworker. How long has she known this...Kyle? Is he her friend? Brother? Boyfriend?

She breathed out. A sign of stress but why? Was she bothered by the fact that she didn't know what the customer wanted?

I wonder...does she live here? Why was she in Hawaii? Was it a vacation? Is she in school? Please don't be in high school.

As her eyes glanced over towards my direction, her eyes stopped on me and she froze. Her heart began to beat fast.

I couldn't help but smirk as I approached her, "Are you following me?"

She scoffed, "Excuse me?"

She looked cute in her uniform and when she gets irritated, her eyebrows narrow, "You heard me." I answered, stopping right in front of her.

"Why would I follow you?" She asked.

Ouch. She didn't have to say it like that, "Well, don't make it seem like a bad thing."

She looked bewildered and shook her head as she walked around me.

I grabbed her wrist, making her look at me with shock...and fear? "You didn't answer my question."

She stepped forward, "No, I didn't. I don't know about you but I live and work here."

Oh, good to hear, "I do too."

She questioned me with her eyes, "You do?"

"Why do you ask? Are you relieved that we've run into each other?" I smirked.

She snapped her hand away, "Absolutely not. You need to leave." She turned away.

"But I'm a customer, and by the looks of the shirt you're're suppose to help me with what I need." I said with a smile.

She stopped and turned to look at me. Have a made her angry?

"I'm not going to help with...whatever you need. I know your needs and I will not be involved." She answered.

Oh? Was she talking about the bite? She still thinks it's my kink? Oh, to know what she'd do if she found of that I've drank her delicious blood. How it traveled down my throat, making my tastebuds burst with excitement. No...I can't let her know. Not yet.

I pointed at the IPhone 13, "I...can't get this one?"

She glanced over at the iPhone and back at me, "You're joking."

I shook my head, "No, I actually wouldn't mind this one."

She sighed, "Ask him over there, he'll help you with whatever you need."

I smirked, "I don't want him..." I walked up to her, "I want you." Her face flushed and the blood in her neck hummed in my ears.

If we weren't in public right now, I'd suck you dry.


I felt myself swallow hard. I was frozen In place as his eyes were on me.

I couldn't just reject him, this was my first day on the job. Whether he actually wanted that phone or not, it would look bad if I didn't help a customer. Even if that customer was Jimin from Hawaii who I slept with twice.

"Fine...follow me to the counter and I am only...helping you get the phone." I pointed at him as he raised his hands and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the counter and asked the person behind it if we had the IPhone 13's.

Unfortunately, we did.

I cleared my throat as I prepared the IPhone for him, "Here, you'll need to make your own account." I said, handing him the IPhone.

He smiled and took the phone. After a few minutes, he looked up at me.

"Done?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Just missing one thing."

What could possibly be missing? I gave him a puzzled look.

He smirked, "Your number."

Seriously? "I'm not giving you my number."

"Is it because you have a boyfriend?" He then asked.

Oh, my god. Is he actually asking me this? "No...nor am I looking for one."

He sighed, "'s not like a number could make you mine anyways...but that scar did."

What scar?...the bite? What did he mean?

"Here's my credit card." He then added.


"For the IPhone." He answered.

"Oh..." I grabbed his card and paid for his phone.

As I handed it back, his hand gripped over mine, "I'll be seeing you around." He smirked and let go.

Seeing me around? What?

He winked and headed out of the store.

This wasn't good. The guy I had sex with was now in California. What am I going to do? We aren't going to see each other again...right?

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