Chapter 10

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We spent our last day eating out and swimming at the beach with a couple of drinks in our systems. That and packed the entire night so we'd be prepared to leave for California.

I wasn't troubled with Jimin since the night at the pool party. I didn't know if I felt relieved or kinda disappointed.

"Well...say your goodbyes to Hawaii." Nat said with a pout.

"We could always come back next year." Sadie added.

Back to Hawaii? "Eeeh...Hawaii is kinda a one time thing for me." I said, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"I hate to agree but...same." Nat said, surprisingly.

Hawaii definitely has been an adventure. A crazy and unbelievable one at that.

I had sex with a man I met at a club who has shit crazy kinks. Never thought I'd ever meet someone like that.

I wouldn't say I regretted it. He was...really good at making everything feel amazing.

Nat drove over a bump on the road and it shook my thoughts out of my mind.

What am I thinking? Am I missing him?

No...absolutely not. I can't. He was...just a fling.

We arrived back in California and Nat dropped me off at my place. Of course my mom didn't greet me and I knew not to expect my dad since he didn't live with her.

My little brother was still asleep so I just quietly went up to my room.

Once I make enough money all together, I can get my own place. Shouldn't be too hard since I'm an adult and have college money.

I sat my bags down, too tired to unpack. I made my way to my bathroom and started the water.

When I turned around to look in the mirror, the bite was clear as day. It hasn't healed any. How?

How on earth did he do that without putting too much pressure anyway? He didn't struggle at all. He must of had tons of experience.

If mom sees this, I'm never going to hear the end of it.

After my shower, I figured I'd just cover it up with makeup in the morning.

I snuggled in bed and relaxed my eyes as I tried to clear my thoughts, but how could I? He was the first fling to ever get stuck on my mind like this. What is it with this guy?

In the morning, I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door.

"Lena, I know you're awake. Don't think you can get out of doing the dishes just because you've been gone." My mom yelled, stomping away and down the hall to wake up Tyler for school.

I groaned and tossed my blankets over me. I got up and made my way to the closet to pick out an outfit.

I opened my bedroom door once I was dressed and my mom walked out of Tyler's bedroom

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I opened my bedroom door once I was dressed and my mom walked out of Tyler's bedroom.

"What the hell is that?" My mom shouted, aggressively grabbing onto my shoulder.

Shit...I forgot to cover the bite.

I pulled away and headed towards the stairs, "It's nothing, mom."

I could hear my mom following behind me, "Nothing? You call that nothing? Is that what you and your friends do now, going out and fuck around." My mom cursed.

I tried blocking her out as I tried finding myself something to eat in the kitchen.

My mom slammed the cabinet shut, stopping me from grabbing the cereal, "You aren't eating until these damn dishes are done. And you can go ahead and get the laundry since you want to ignore me in my house." My mom spat as she rushed off and back up the stairs.

I'm fucking done with her treating me like shit. Once I'm done doing the dishes, I'm going out to find a job. Fuck the laundry. I just got back home, she can get over it.

After the dishes were done and placed Into the dishwasher, I rushed out of the kitchen and to the garage before mom could see me.

There she was, my baby. My China Blue AMG GTR. I may have been raised in a rich household but this baby was all me.

I better hurry before my mom starts wondering why I'm not in the laundry room yet.

I hopped in my car and drove outta there.

I have missed my car. I wasn't able to bring it with me to college because mom took the keys, but once I graduated, dad gave them back.

I arrived at the Westfield City mall. I'm sure there's tons of jobs here that I could apply for.

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