Chapter 50

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The light that peeked through the gap between my eyelids had sent a pain between my eyebrows

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The light that peeked through the gap between my eyelids had sent a pain between my eyebrows. I rubbed at it as I rose from where I lay. I looked down and noticed that I was wearing a white gown.

I heard multiple voices like there were all around me in the same room.

The room was like a hallway with beds and a curtain beside them. This was the place Jackson had taken me when I busted my head.

My head started to ache the more I heard voices. They were having conversations with another person. Along with that, I could hear footsteps, chewing, bugs crawling and breaths being taken.

"You should probably lay back down. It's your first day as a coldblood. You're not use to the abilities that come with our blood." Jin said, sitting in a chair beside my bed.

" Jin said, sitting in a chair beside my bed

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That's right. I drank Jimin's blood to protect him from Namjoon. Where is Jimin? Wasn't he wounded?

I looked around the room, but it was only Jin and I, "Where's Jimin?" I asked, looking over at him.

Jin shook his head, "Healed and stubborn as ever." He breathed out with a weary sigh, "He's out hunting. Before you go back to California, you'll need to work on your self control."

"Self control?" I asked, sitting up, "Control over what?"

"Your thirst for blood." Jin said, crossing his arms.

I lightly touched my neck. I didn't feel hungry, nor did I feel tired or weak. It was like my body was at peace. I guess I'll have to get use to this new feeling.

Jin stood and grabbed a bottle from the bed side table and handed it to me.

As I grabbed it, I looked up at him in confusion, "What's this?"

"It's for the headaches." Jin said, opening the curtain.

As he pushed the curtain open, the metal rings screamed as they slid along the pole. I covered my ears and my head ached, "Right." I said, groaning.

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