Chapter 7

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I went back to our hotel room and soon as I walked into the door, Sadie and Natalia rushed over to me.

"Thank...God." Sadie said, hugging me.

"Where the hell have you been, we've been worried sick!" Natalie said, approaching us.

I didn't know what to say. I had sex with a guy I had just met and the second time we did it, he practically bled all over me. He was a psycho, "I...met a guy."

Natalia looked like she was gonna gasp, "Ooo...did you fuck? I know you did something freaky due to that crazy mark on your shoulder."

"What?" I felt my shoulder and there were tiny bumps. Oh gosh, that must have been when he bit me. How hard did he bite down?

I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't tell them everything, "We...may have...done some things in that category."

Sadie gasped and slapped my arm, "Lena, please tell me you knew the guy."

I shook my head, "Not really."

"Eesh girl, you're becoming a me." Natalia laughed.

"That's not a flex, Nat." Sadie said.

Natalie rolled her eyes and turned around to the fridge, "It is to me...well, I don't know about you guys but I invited my guy for our next get together."Natalie turned around, holding a bottle of water.

"What?" Sadie asked, walking over to Nat.

Nat nodded, "Yep."

I breathed out, "And what is it that you've planned for us today?"

Nat grinned, "Late night swimming with the man of your dreams." Nat said, like she was creating a logo.

I shook my head, "And where's this man?"

Nat shrugged, "Don't know. Guess we have to bring ours to find out."

"Sorry to disappoint but last night was a one time thing." I informed her. No matter how good looking he was...I don't think it was a good idea.

Nat nodded, "I get it. I have flings here and there, but it wouldn't hurt to have one while you're here in Hawaii." Nat chugged her water.

"I don't even think I'll have anyone for tonight." Sadie pouted.

"We'll find you one tonight." Nat said with a smile, patting Sadie's shoulder.

I wasn't going to be able to talk Nat out of this. She was gonna have us find someone and if we couldn't, then she would.

I wasn't planning on banging every guy here. Although, the guy from last night was more than I could ask for. He had it all, expect he had one flaw. He was obviously on something.

I had a good time. How could he say that and kick me out as well? There's no way I'd hook up with him again.

The three of us wasted away the time walking around, taking pictures together and stopping somewhere to eat.

Unexpectedly, we were able to pick up two guys at a bar. Nat said they were perfect for Sadie and I. She assigned the tall, longish dark brown hair guy to me. His teeth were perfectly straight and his skin was tanned. He lived here and he was a surfer. His name was Aiden.

Sadie's assigned guy Makani, had short and blonde hair. His teeth were almost as perfect as the other guy and he was close friends with Aiden. Apparently he works at the bar we met them at.

Of course Nat invited them to the pool party we were attending to.

Nat was dripping wet from sitting in the pool with the guys and Sadie. She wrapped her arm around me and her breath smelled of alcohol, "What are you doing over? Aiden has been dying to swim with you."

Ugh. I wasn't really interested. I just wanted to relax rather than hang out with him. He seemed too clingy and always talked about his surfing trophies.

I breathed out and Nat pouted, "Come on. Give him a chance."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

Nat clapped and tiptoed back to the pool. Her fling Leo, smacked her ass as she moaned into his mouth.

I'll never understand how Nat makes it look so easy to kiss a stranger like that and like it.

I awkwardly walked over to where Aiden was sitting in the water. I sat down beside him and placed my feet in the water.

He smirked, "Hey." He softly touched my leg, "Why don't you hop in?"

I faked a smile and slid down over the wall till my body was in the water completely besides my neck and up.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. I felt like vomiting with his touch.

I swam back a few inches and faked a smile again.

"You're so gorgeous." He said, swimming closer to me.

He looked as if he was trying to make the first move, so I leaned my head back, "I'm gonna relax on my back for a bit if that's okay."

He nodded, "Nah, that's cool. You want me to hold you up?"

"'s okay. Thanks though." As I pushed through the water and I was facing away, I breathed out with relief and floated on my back.

I'll never let Nat pick for me ever again.

I relaxed my body and I was able to freely float. Thankfully, the other couples were relaxing and making out in the hot tub. I wouldn't want to go in there anyway along with whatever was in that water.

I raised my arms up like a butterfly and pushed my fingers through the water, giving me a small glide.

Then, I felt hands wrap underneath my breasts, pulling me close to them. It broke my relaxation as I turned around, "Aiden, I said I was going to float for a..."

I was immediately caught off guard. It was the guy from last night, Jimin. His hair was damp and he wore no shirt. His lips were deliciously plump.

"Who's Aiden?"

Oh, my gosh. How is he here too?

Nothing would happen anyways because I haven't drank a lot.

"That's none of your concern." I said, trying to swim back but his hands slid behind me and he held me in place.

"Is it now?" He asked. His face was so close to mine as he stared down at my lips. My body started to shake.

Why was he doing this? He wanted me to leave and now he's forcing me to stay? "I don't understand you." I said, shaking from the coldness.

"Nobody does." He whispered as he leaned close to my shoulder, kissing my scar.

He placed his hand on my neck, gently pushing it away and suddenly, something pierced through my skin as I gasped out.

I tightened my grip on his back and once he pulled away, he licked the wound.

Nobody was looking. They were all focused onto each other.

"What...did you do?" I whimpered.

His lips were stained with blood, but not a spill of it around us, "Shh..." he leaned close and placed his lips onto mine.

He moved his lips inches away, "Your's so addicting."

"My what?" I asked, stuttering.

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