Chapter 39

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I was grateful that Jimin had taken me back to the palace because I was able to get my phone back. It was the only way I could get ahold of my family and friends.

"It's amazing here, I wish you could see it." I said, leaning back against the stone pool.

"Me too," Sadie sighed, "Too bad we can't go as a group."

"Why not?" I asked, swaying my hand through the water.

"Nat would be gloomy the entire time. She thinks England is a self loathing, and misty place to visit. You should know this. Nats more of a City girl." Sadie says, chuckling.

I breathed out, "Yeah, but I'm sure she'd push aside her hate towards this place for us."

"You're probably right. Well, I'll let you go. Glad you called. Can't wait to see you! Nat is already making plans for us." Sadie says as she groans.

"Oh, god. Can't wait," I laughed, "Alright, you take care. Bah-bye." I made a kissy noise to the phone before hanging up. I put my phone down beside the pool and began climbing out.

I grabbed the black towel and started wrapping it around my drenched body. My muscles were definitely more relaxed. I kneeled down and grabbed my phone along with my clothes and made my way to the hallway. As I turned the hallway, I was slammed against the wall and the back of my head met with the stone. I felt dizzy and nauseous along with a slight pressure to my throat.

I opened my eyes to see a tall young man with dark brown hair and a sharp jawline. He wore a dark gray suit with silver designs. I don't think I've met him yet.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my palace?" He growled, holding my neck into his grasp

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"Who are you? And what are you doing in my palace?" He growled, holding my neck into his grasp.

His palace?

"I'm...Lena." I fought the words out, trying to get air into my lungs. His grip loosened a little, but still had a hold on me, "Your Jackson." I said, glancing over at him.

"Of course I'm Jackson. This is my home." He said, releasing his grip as he stood back, "I thought you and Jimin we're arriving tomorrow for the dinner?"

I rubbed at my throat, "We flew in this morning."

Jackson kneeled down and picked my stuff up and handed it to me, "I'm...sorry. I'm not use to guests."

I grabbed my things, "I can tell."

He snickered but tried hiding it, "Where is Jimin anyways?" He asked, looking down at my half drenched towel and my wet black hair

He snickered but tried hiding it, "Where is Jimin anyways?" He asked, looking down at my half drenched towel and my wet black hair

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