Chapter 15

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I tried washing away the blood once I got to Sadie's. I examined it more and couldn't understand how I didn't realize it sooner.

The bite mark was strange looking but I didn't think of any of it. It wasn't just too holes...just four.

That still wasn't normal, Lena.

I groaned and pulled out another bandaid and covered it.

All of this didn't make sense. How could he be a vampire? Vampires don't exist...that we know of.

I spent all night thinking and researching on it. It was driving me crazy.

Was I in danger? Was Jimin dangerous? Was he going to kill me? No...he would have already killed me back in Hawaii, right?

I couldn't focus at work either the next day. It was on my mind no matter what I did. How could I just ignore the fact that vampires existed. And if not then he was some...fucking creature.

Oh, my god. I had sex with a creature!

"Lena?" A males voice asked.

I jumped and turned to see Kyle, "Oh...Kyle...sorry. Yes?"

He looked at me like I was crazy, "A customer...needs help creating a account."

Right. I'm at work, "Oh...thank you." I said, walking to the front counter.

I'm never going to be able to process this, am I?

After work, I quickly went over to my car which was parked by the front doors this time. I got in and stopped before I started the car.

This was going to keep me awake for who knows how many nights. I need to know what the hell happened. He bit ME. So it's MY business to know.

I started my car and drove to a empty street. I pulled my key out of my car and took a deep breath.

I looked in my rear view mirror as I pulled my bandaid off. I put my nail at the end of the scab and lifted it up. It stung like a bitch.

I closed my eyes and ripped the scab completely off. I yelped and felt my eyes water.

I'm so fucking stupid, but this is the only way I can get him to come to me if my theories are true.

I bit down on my lip, ignoring the stinging on my shoulder as I got out of my car. I could feel something cold drip down my chest.

I leaned on the back of my car and waited. Being in the dark alone made me feel uneasy. Hopefully he shows up soon.

What am I saying? That's if he isn't dangerous.

It was a bit cold so I rubbed my hands together and blew my hot breath between them.

"Miss? Are you okay?" A shakey and low voice asked.

I looked over and it was an old man hunched over in the alley way. He looked dirty and he wore a thick coat.

"Uhm...yeah. I'm just...waiting." I said, hoping he'd leave me alone, but he didn't. He eased his way closer to me.

"You shouldn't be out here all alone, pretty lady." He raised his hands up, gesturing to all of me.

He pulled his hand away and placed it to his mouth as if he was holding back something.

I slowly moved away from my trunk and searched for my car keys in my pocket, "I'm...not alone. I'm...with someone." I said, trying to sound nice.

He looked around and back at me, "Maybe I can wait with you." He said, smiling.

His teeth were stained with something as he got closer.

I jumped back, "No...that's okay. They'll be here soon."

He grabbed my wrist as I went to unlock my car and my keys dropped to the ground, "Then why are you trying to leave?" His eyes got veiny and turned bright red. His breath smelled of rotten death.

He's one too.

I pulled my hand back and punched him in the face, making him fall to the ground. I quickly grabbed my keys but he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. He opened his mouth and inside was filled with long and sharp teeth.

"No!" I shouted, holding onto his shoulders, pushing him away from me. His strength was strong as his mouth gradually got closer. Saliva dripped out of his mouth and a long tongue traveled out of his mouth towards my scar.

In a blink, he was thrown across the street.

A young man in black rushed to my side.

"Jimin." I said, relieved.

"The hell were you thinking?" He asked, looking at my scar.

The old man got himself up and his red beaming eyes rose to meet us.

"Get in the car." Jimin ordered, shoving me to the driver side of my car.

"What? No. What about you?" I asked, standing my ground.

"He'll kill you within two seconds. It would take him his whole life span to kill me." Jimin answered, eyes onto mine.

The old man growled and began running towards us.

"Get in, now!" Jimin shouted as he turned towards the old man's direction.

I quickly turned around and tried placing my key into the door lock but I couldn't stop shaking, "Come on!"

I looked over my shoulder and Jimin had stopped the old man in his tracks but it looked like Jimin was getting defeated.

I finally got the key in the hole and my car unlocked. Right when I heard it unlatch, I heard a loud thump on top of my car.

I was expecting another one of those crazy creatures but instead, it was the guy I met in the mall.

He hopped off my car and opened my car door, "Hurry, get in."

"What are you doing here?" Are you..."

"Just get in." He said, shoving me into my seat and closing the door on me.

I'm tired of getting told what to do and not knowing what the fuck was going on.

I locked my car door and watched Jungkook pull the old man off of Jimin and swung him in the street.

Jungkook helped Jimin up and patted his back but Jimin pushed his hand away.

What the they know each other?


Jungkook grabbed my arm and lifted me up, "The hell did you get yourself into?"

I shoved Jungkooks arm away, "I don't know...I've never seen anything like this before."

We both looked at the old hag stand. One of his arms was twisted but he wasn't fazed by it.

"I guess I'll take his right and you his left?" Jungkook said.

I scoffed, "It's worth a try."

The old man rushed towards us, opening his mouth wide and his teeth ready to attack.

Jungkook grabbed the old man's right arm as I grabbed his left and we pulled them apart, ripping him in half.

We let go and his body fell to the ground, lifeless.

Jungkook and I walked over to the body and he kicked it, "Mutated coldblood?"

"God, I hope not. Just what we need right now." I answered.

"What...the fuck just happened...and no taking off this time until someone...explains this shit!"

I turned around and Lena was standing behind us, completely shocked and confused.

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