Chapter 33

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We arrived in England and the second I stepped out of the airport, I could feel the chilly breeze and the smell the fresh rain. It was a rainy autumn day and it was beautiful.

Jimin walked beside me, raising an umbrella over me as he pulled our suitcase behind him while wearing the backpack over his shoulder. Jimin raised his arm and checked his watch.

A black suv pulled up in front of the airport and came to a stop. A man in a suit stepped out from the drivers side and approached Jimin. Jimin handed him the belongings as the man started putting our things in the trunk.

Taehyung followed behind the man, placing his luggage in the back as well while Jungkook went ahead and climbed in the very back.

Jimin and I sat in the middle and Taehyung eventually climbed in where Jungkook was sitting.

I looked over at Jimin and he smiled gently as he rubbed my thigh and squeezed it. I took a breather before looking out the car window, watching the rain water slowly fall along the outside.

Once the car pulled out, I was able to see a little more of the town ahead. The buildings were tall and built along side each other. The roads were of stone and drenched with rain water.

The people wore trench coats, thick scarfs and boots. There were also others who acted careless of a little chill as they wore short skirts, vests, tights and heels.

They all looked extremely gorgeous and the way they existed in this place was like they were a walking painting. Individually painted a different way but with the same dark pastels.

I didn't see a glimpse of bright yellow or pink. I mostly saw brown, black, gray and tan. This place definitely suited Jimin and his family.

The drive continued on, riding up high roads and turning around like we were on a mountain. I looked down and could see the town and the people casually walking around. A few standing against light poles while reading the newspaper.

The car turns again, pulling between two pillars with an arch on top as it approaches a thick metal gate with vines wrapped around it. The gates were pushed open and the car pulls in. Fog devours the car, making things hard to see.

I look out my window, squinting at a dark figure. As the car pulls closer, I could see that the figure was an angel statue hiding it's face in it's hands. Ahead were more statues of angels and women reaching towards the air while gripping at their dress. They looked sad but so beautiful.

The car comes to a stop and the driver steps out. I look over at Jimin as he unbuckles himself along with Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Have we arrived?" I asked as Jimin leans over me and unbuckles me.

He smirks, "We have."

As Jimin gets out on his side, my car door swings open. I jump and see Jungkook in the way, holding my car door open. He fixes his bag before he takes his leave towards the front of the car.

I climb out and shut my door as Jimin joins me by my side. He wraps his hand around my waist and kisses my forehead, "Welcome to my family's home."


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