Chapter 16

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The old man laid dead on the ground. He had been split in half completely by Jimin and Jungkook.

I pointed at the dead man, "You...killed him."

Jimin slowly approached me, "Yes, and it's a good thing he's dead. He could have killed you."

The old man's intuition did seem like he wanted to kill me, but I didn't know how to feel about murder.

"What was that thing?" I then asked, still shaken up.

"We don't know..." Jimin answered looking back at the body.

"You're not like...him are you?" I asked, not knowing what I wanted to hear.

"Do we look anything like that?" Jungkook asked, obviously offended.

"Well I don't exactly know. He looked normal to me at first." I answered back.

Jimin touched my neck and when he pulled away, blood was on his finger, "This is what he was after."

Jungkook stepped closer to look, "You're the mortal? This is the mortal?" He asked Jimin, looking disappointed.

Jimin sighed and ignored him, "Why'd you do it?"

I cleared my throat, "You said you could hear my blood a mile away..."

Jungkook scoffed, "Jesus, brother. She knows about you?"

What did he say? Brother? So they do know each other.

"Well, I only found out just yesterday...I'm sorry but did he say brother?" I asked, looking over at Jimin.

"Believe me, I'm not proud of it. We need to get this thing out of here before someone sees." Jimin said, gesturing to Jungkook.

"I'm not helping you with this." Jungkook snapped back.

"Would you rather be the one to expose us?" Jimin grabbed Jungkooks collar and pushed him back.

Jungkook fixed his jacket and turned to the body.

Jimin walked back over to me, "We need to get you off the streets before something else smells you." He said, glancing over at the dead body.

Jimin took over driving as I sat in the passenger side.

"Are you not going to say anything?" I asked.

He had been quiet most of the ride. Not once did he look over at me.

Was he mad?

"Look, I'm sorry but I wasn't expecting something like that to happen." I added.

"What were you expecting then?" He asked, glancing over at me.

I was expecting him...of all things.

"You shouldn't have done that." He then proceeded to say.

"Then why did you bite me in the first place!" I shouted at him, "You think you could just show up in my life with all your fucked up problems and expect me to just drop it?"

"I never wanted you to." He mumbled.

My car started to slow down as he pulled into a driveway and then we came to a complete stop.

He breathed out and turned the car off, "We're called Coldbloods...yes, a lot like your stories of vampires but not all of it is true."

"Then what is?" I asked, intrigued.

"We can drink blood but if we do, we are linked to that person..." he said, looking down.

"Linked? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Vampires may...smell your blood, but I can hear it pump throughout your entire body. I can feel what you feel." He added.

"Feel? pain?" I then asked.

He reached over and touched the bite on my shoulder, "I felt it when you tore this off."

My heart started to pound fast from his touch and gaze.

He moved his hand away and got out of the car. I quickly got out as well and that's when I noticed we were parked in front of a house with no lights to lead the way.

"Where are we?" I asked, walking around my car.

"My place." He said, handing me my keys.

His place? What am I doing here?

I looked back at the road and there were no car lights , "What about..."

"Jungkook? He's taking care of the body. It's just us now." He proceeded to inform me as he smirked.

I glared at him as I followed behind.

"'s safe." He said, unlocking the front door.

The door creaked as it opened wide. Inside felt cold as the breeze pushed through.

Safe my ass.

He smiled and stepped in to turn the light on, "Now, let's get you fixed up."

"Fixed up?" I asked, holding myself.

He pointed at my shoulder, "You want that to heal don't you?"

I covered the wound with my hand as he walked around me and closed the front door behind us.

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