Chapter 40

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Jin and I had carried the stag back to the palace. It was a hassle since Jin had to make sure the gun shot wound didn't bleed all over the place and lead questioning mortals back to us.

It wouldn't be too much of a bother since it would be easy to hide the wound. All we had to do was chop off the stags head and cook the rest. Although, if anybody dared come to Jackson's palace without permission, he'd simply task us with the impossible.

Probably have us soak our feet in holy water, except I don't think Jackson would be that ruthless. I shouldn't think of him as a merciful cold blood though. He's killed many before and he'd do it again. Both mortal and coldblood.

We took the stag into the palace's kitchen and tossed the heavy, frozen in place body onto the wooden table that was centered in the room. Jin removed his finger out from the bullet wound and licked his finger, "Bitter." He said, smirking.

I slapped at his hand, "Stop it. This is for tomorrow's dinner. We don't need your greasy hands all over the food."

Jin's jaw dropped and shoved me, "Oh, okay. I see someone's in the mood today."

The air became thick and delicious. It was Lena's blood fulfilling the emptiness. Lena was bleeding, but why? And how?

Jin sniffed at the air and looked over at me.

I found myself out of the kitchen and to the stairs as I followed her scent. It lead into my bedroom and I didn't waste time and barged in. Lena jumped in place, wearing a towel as her heart raced.

I made my way to her and the sweetness of her blood was stronger now, "You're bleeding. Are you okay?" I asked, examining her thin body.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine." She said in a hurry, grasping at my arms, "My head hit the wall but it was an accident."

"Accident? Did you fall?" I then asked. The thought of her blood circling the palace worried me. Smelling it here had my adrenaline through the roof. I had forgotten her blood was this strong and intriguing.

"No, I ran into Jackson and..."

"Jackson?" She met Jackson? While I was gone? "He did this?" I felt myself raging over the sound of his name coming out of her precious lips. Hearing her talk about him in the airport as if she was desperate to meet him angered me, but this was much worse. Jackson had laid a hand on Lena, and he was going to pay for it.

"Jimin, it was an accident." Lena softly said, scanning me with those gentle eyes of hers.

"He accidentally slammed you into a wall?" I sharply asked.

"He thought I was breaking in." She said, softly touching my chest, "Jimin, I'm fine. It was nothing major."

I wanted to leave this room and find Jackson. To throw him across his pretty palace and choke the shit out of him for hurting her, but because of Lena's soft words, I couldn't.

I breathed heavily in defeat, "You promise you're okay?" I repeated.

She smiled, "I promise."

I rested my forehead against hers, "The damages I'd do for the sake of you, Lena." She chuckled and I took in her face with my hands. Lena raised her chin and her lips met with mine once I pulled her in.

From behind, Jin rushed in, "Everything okay? What happened?" He stood in place, breathing heavily as Jungkook surprised us all and appeared from beside Jin.

"Why is Lena bleeding?" Jungkook asked, the look of worry taking over his expressions.

I glared over at him, wondering why the hell he'd be overly worrying about Lena. I could care less why Jin had came in with such rush. I knew he'd never cheat on Adeline. It was Jungkook that I questioned.

"Lena's fine. It was an accident." I said, trying to pull my stare off of Jungkook. I watched as he breathed with relief and catching himself as to what he had just done.

"Wait, you all smelt it?" Lena asked, looking at all of us.

Jin rubbed the back of his head, giving me a glance, "We are blood thirty vampires, Lena." He said, grinning awkwardly.

Lena bit down on her lip from embarrassment. She shook her head and looked away, "Right." She said with a soft chuckle.

Jin puffed air out and slapped at his sides, "Well. Since it was a false alarm, I suppose Jungkook and I will take our leave." He said, looking over at Jungkook.

Jungkook's gaze met with Lena's. She broke it as she looked away towards me. Jungkook narrowed his eyes and headed out the door.

After Jin watched Jungkook leave, he looked over at me as if he had the same thought. Jungkook was growing a liking to Lena. Was it attraction? Whatever it was, it ends here.

I turned to Lena, "I'll be back. There's something I have to take care of."

Lena raised an eyebrow, "What? You just got here."

I smiled at her and lightly pinched her chin, "I'll return quickly. I promise." I pecked her lips before taking in her beauty and left the bedroom.

Jin followed behind and eventually caught up to me, "You're not going to kill him are you?"

"That's why you're coming with me." I said, speeding down the stairs to the other side with haste.

I passed the study and towards Jungkook's bedroom. I forced open his door, making the wood of it meet with the stone walls. I approached Jungkook within a second and grabbed the collar of his jacket before slamming him against his unlit fireplace.

"The fuck are you doing? Get off me." Jungkook yelled, trying to push me off him.

"Tell me now brother, or so help me!" I growled, glaring into his eyes with fire and ice.

"Tell you what?" Jungkook shouted back.

"I saw the way you looked at Lena. It's obvious you have some attraction towards her." I said, searching for a change of expression.

He scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous." He said, grabbing my hands away from his collar.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" I yelled, hitting him aggressively against his shoulder

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"Don't fucking lie to me!" I yelled, hitting him aggressively against his shoulder.

Jungkook was triggered and grew angry, "So what if I do feel that way towards Lena." He said, daring me with his young and careless eyes, "It's not like she feels the same way about me."

My jaw clenched and I grabbed Jungkook at the collar of his jacket and tossed him onto his round table. The legs of the table snapped and Jungkook went down with it.

"Jimin! Okay, that's enough!" Jin said, looking over at Jungkook.

"You will stay away from her!" I shouted with force, pointing at Jungkook as I pictured slaughtering him where he laid.

"I can't do that." Jungkook said, sacrificing his last life span just to go up against my demand.

"What?" I said through my teeth, making my way to Jungkook. Jin stopped me and pushed me backwards.

"Jimin, enough. It's not worth it. We have other things to worry about." Jin said, holding me back.

I hated to admit it, but it was true. My brother was something I shouldn't waste me energy on. I had to save it for the real enemy.

I shoved Jin's hands off of me and left the room without looking at Jungkook. If I bothered making eye contact with him, I'd probably show no mercy.

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