Chapter 6

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Quote for the chapter:

"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."

-Will Rogers

Chole felt stared at. For some reason, everyone is staring at her as she walks inside the hallway. She glared at the others telling them to mind their business which they did.

What in the dying hell is happening? Today is definitely not going to be a great day for Chloe. She decided to head towards her class.

When she walked in, her classmate's eyes were on her. What now? Chloe growled and glared at her classmates. Just then she spots her friends. They looked worried with a mix of surprise. Surely something has happened and no one even bothers telling her what it is, and worse, she's part of it.

"What is this?" Chloe whispered.

"Chloe, we're going to have a long talk later. Don't dis us." Vanessa said.

"Look out for Natalie," Alice advised.

What is that beauty up to now? Chloe rolled her eyes and went to her seat. Her eyes widened. Did I just call Natalie, beauty? She removed that thought in her mind.

Is it so hard for others to tell her something that's about her? She could only hope that it's not what she is thinking. She really doesn't like other people sticking their nose in her business.


"Chloe, why didn't you tell us?" Vanessa asked.

"You're going to be roasted," Alice said worriedly.

Chloe was confused by what her friends were saying. Someone would dare to embarrass her? As far as she is aware, there is no one who has the guts except one. Natalie. But, what reason does the latter have against her? The budget increase is out of the question, surely Natalie would understand. The worried faces of her friends frighten her. Even Chloe was curious about what it's about. The only thing she could think of is the missing letter.

"What is it that I'm not informed of?" Chloe asked, clearly not knowing what's happening.

"Check your phone," Vanessa said.

Chloe opened her phone and saw new notifications. Chloe never bothered checking her phone every morning, and as far as she knows, there isn't a talk that she needs to present tonight so what's the commotion all about? Chloe was getting irritated at what's happening. When she saw other students staring at her, she shot them a deadly glare, making those poor students frightened and shifted their gaze elsewhere. She was about to open it but suddenly someone confronted her.

"Chloe Harker. Really, my dear?" Natalie said in a livid sexy voice that suddenly turned Chloe on.

Natalie walked towards her with an angry expression. Chloe was utterly confused as to why the blonde was angry at her. She knows clearly that she has been trying to avoid the blonde by all means. Now that the blonde is walking towards her, she surely couldn't be able to avoid the blonde. What confuses her the most, is how livid the blonde is. She would rip out the neck of the person spreading a false rumor about her to anger Natalie.

"What is it, Natalie? I already re-"

"A love letter to my boyfriend? Seriously. That's rubbish! How bold of you, my dear Chloe." Natalie said huskily when she said Chloe's name.

Chloe's eyes widened big-time that even Natalie was taken aback. She could react like that? Natalie though, quite amused. Chloe was shocked that Natalie knew about the love letter. Someone must have found her missing love letter, but who? Now it all made sense. Her friends want her to check her twitter, someone must have tweeted about her love letter and spread it all over the internet.

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