Chapter 55

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Quote for the chapter:

"Love is not who you can see yourself with. It is who you can't see yourself without."



It's been two days since their first night. She and Natalie haven't been meeting each other since their first night solely because of the assignments that both of the girls needed to complete. Chloe's the kind of person to prefer finishing her assignments alone in her room without anyone bothering her, and of course, Natalie respected her decisions. Her parents on the other hand were rather ecstatic that their daughter is finally in love with someone and won't grow old alone in the future. They were quite worried since, like Harvey, Chloe didn't care for the others. The difference between the two of them is that Harvey did experience falling in love or having a crush at a young age. They fear that unlike Harvey, Chloe might not fall in love with someone. Relief spread their hearts. What's more, is that Chloe has been showing her inner emotions lately. The Harker family is sure to welcome Natalie with open arms. Annie for one was so happy for her daughter while Brian is excited to have a cool and pretty sister-in-law.

Chloe dressed rather charmingly for the first day of classes after Christmas break. She wore a black outer coat to keep her warm and an orange sweater complemented with her jeans. Unlike her other schoolmates, she also wore cotton gloves. She couldn't stand the cold but could stand the heat from the summer instead.

As she walked towards the lockers, someone slid an arm on her waist. She turned her head to see Natalie stealing a kiss on her cheek. Chloe's face flushed red. Many eyes were on them, yet the only thing that Chloe's concerned about is none other than Natalie. Was Natalie this sneaky? Chloe thought. Even when Natalie and Jevon—Chloe nearly forgot that they were only a pretend couple. Chloe smiled and pecked Natalie's lips before closing her lockers. She grabbed Natalie's arms and walked away from the staring crowds.

Chloe didn't let go of Natalie's hand even after exiting the hallway. They walked towards the building adjacent to the one the exit a while ago. They entered their first class which they have together for this semester. Chloe and Natalie only have one class together. Chloe didn't mind not having the same classes with Natalie, after all, they'd still be stuck together even after they graduated since Natalie's father, William, offered to take Chloe as an employee after she graduated from university.

They went inside the classroom which caused everyone to look up. The famous Ice Queen and the Friendly Bitch is here together, holding hands at that. This made the whole class confused at what they had seen. It seemed like none of their old classmates took the same class as them yet, for now. Well, some may have speculated that Chloe's eyeing Jevon, but that was debunked by Chloe herself when she declared that she's pursuing Natalie in reality. Rumors spread fast but none anticipated that both of the girls would date each other. It might be a shock especially for the ones eyeing Natalie.

Eyes were all on them. Chloe cleared her throat not loud enough for everyone to hear, but enough for Natalie to detect her nervousness. Chloe feared that Natalie might not like their eyes on her since Natalie has a reputation for being friendly. Almost everyday people would gather around and have small talks with Natalie, Chloe had observed enough to know. She knows that she's the reason for that. Knowing Natalie, she wouldn't mind; however, Chloe's conscience wouldn't allow her to feel anything at all.

Natalie squeezed her hand and smiled at her. Chloe smiled back and they'd both sat beside each other with Natalie constantly giggling and poking her cheeks.

As soon as the teacher stepped in everyone's gaze towards them was directed to the teacher instead. Chloe smiled. What the hell is she worried about? Natalie's here enjoying her time with her so she should do the same.


Lunchtime was what Chloe feared especially with Vanessa sitting with them. Vanessa had been giving her this googling eyes begging Chloe to tell her friend the whole story about her and Natalie. Vanessa and Chloe had the same class in their second class. Both took accounting classes while Natalie was over at her art history class. Chloe walked over at their usual table. Alice and Chloe would have the same class after lunch, both will be taking basic law. Well, unlike Beatrice who was content to know that Natalie and her are going steady, Vanessa wanted to know the sweet juicy details. She'll let Natalie handle it, besides, Natalie's the one who informed her parents after all. Chloe sighed. I can't believe our parents have been shipping us together. No wonder Felicia winked at me.

Chloe sat on the table where Alice was seated. Chloe chose to have spicy curry for today's lunch while Alice had a serving of Mac and cheese for lunch both with pudding for dessert. Natalie and Vanessa were nowhere to be seen. Seems like they'll be running late for today's lunch.

"So I could see that everything's going well," Alice said with a smile.

"Sorry, we're late," Natalie said, taking the seat beside Chloe with a plate of fish and chips for lunch, and pudding for dessert.

Vanessa sat beside Alice with a plate of spicy curry similar to Chloe's lunch. Today's menu's dessert is only pudding which gave them no other choice. Well, not that they mind.

"As I was saying, you've been happy these past few days," Alice said.

"Is it that noticeable?" Chloe asked as she fed herself a spoonful of rice with carrots.

Everyone is eating lunch by now. Some were busy minding their own business while some were gossiping about others especially about Natalie and Chloe's relationship.

The talk about Natalie and Chloe getting smitten with each other quickly spread. It didn't even take a day.

"Your eyes are shining bright, but your smile well—it's non-existent." Alice chuckled in-between bites.

Chloe rolled her eyes. Natalie opened her mouth wide signaling Chloe to feed her some of her curry rice. Chloe did as she was told. She fed Natalie a spoonful of curry rice. Chloe opened her mouth while Natalie was giving her some of her lunch. Natalie chucked causing Chloe to blush. Natalie was thinking about how Chloe looked like an adorable child which Chloe knew. This made Chloe blush shyly. Vanessa and Alice were both taken aback. The couple has just been dating a couple days only, yet the way they acted is as if they've been together for years. Chloe could read Natalie's nonverbal language and vice versa. 

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