Chapter 9

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Quote of the chapter:

"We must fall in love with ourselves. I don't like myself. I'm crazy about myself."

-Mae West

Better get this over with. Besides, Natalie already hates her. There's nothing she could do. She's the insensitive Ice Queen after all. People can't stand her and it seems she couldn't stand herself too, but of course, she loves herself. It's like a love-hate relationship, similar to what she feels about Natalie. She hates Natalie for hating her and likes Natalie and wants to be her friend. Sometimes she couldn't understand herself anymore

"I smell a crush," Alice said.

Chloe rolled her eyes. A teasing Alice is never a great Alice. That is never a good idea. Having a crush on someone who hates you is never a good idea.


Chloe went home earlier than before since she did promise that she'll play with Brian, and today's the day. She felt that she was somehow playing into accepting Jevon's invitation. She hadn't planned to go, but now that she has told Natalie that she would go, she pretty much has no choice now. She opened the door. Her mother was watching television and her brother was nowhere seen.

"Mom, where's Brian?" Chloe asked.

"He was with his friends. Why?" Annie asked as she flipped the channel.

Chloe was disappointed that Brian was with his friends. Well, it is logical to play with kids his age. Maybe she could play with him some other time. She has been too busy recently to even have a small talk with her mother. She's curious about her mother. They never really did talk.

"How were you able to handle dad?" Chloe asked.

Annie closed the television and turned to her with a smile. Her crow's feet show and it was obvious that she was happy that Chloe was now voluntarily talking to her. In the past, it's Annie who's always exerted an effort.

"Well, I just knew it. We started as friends. Your father approached me with a glare. I thought he was angry at me. Little did I know he was nervous. As we spend time with each other, I found out that he's very caring. He was soft with me unexpectedly when we started dating. Did you know that your dad's the one who always initiates physical contact between us when you and Brian aren't around? He would always suddenly hug me and tell me he loves me and blush by himself. He's adorable." Annie told Chloe, chuckling softly.

Annie holds Chloe's hand. It felt warm. Chloe finds the warmth something lovely. It seems that her mom and she haven't been that close because of her personality. She's still glad to have a mother like Annie.

"So since I already answered your question. I would like to know why? Do you have someone you perhaps like?" Annie said.

Chloe looked at her mother and saw her mother with a huge grin. She blushed a little. Did she even like anyone? There isn't as far as she knows, but she wanted to know if Natalie would be able to handle her personality and still be friends with her.

"Ohhh. Who is it?" Annie said curiously.

"Mom, it's no one. Just- a friend. Soon to be friends." Chloe said as she blushed deeply.

Chloe was angry at herself. She couldn't understand why she's feeling embarrassed. It's not as if this is a secret that she is hiding.

"Tell me about this person then?" Annie asked.

Chloe felt relieved. She still didn't like how her mother teased her. It's been a long time since she's opened up to her mother again. She did tell her about her crush before on Jevon but it was only a brief conversation and nothing much happened.

"Well, she has beautiful brown eyes like chocolate. She always has a smile on her face, unlike me. I'm sure she lights up the room every time she walks in, but she hates me. I wanted to be her friend, but I don't know how." Chloe gloomily said.

"Just be yourself and approach her. Look at your dad, he got me to fall for him just by being himself. I know you're a sweet and caring person deep down." Annie said. As she got up, ready to head into the kitchen.

"But I'm not trying to make her fall in love-"

"I don't mind if you prefer girls, Chloe. I love you no matter what, you know that." Annie said and disappeared into the kitchen.

Chloe sat there more confused than ever. What did her mother mean? Did she like girls, but who? They were talking about Natalie a while ago so how did her mother come into the conclusion that she likes girls? No way. I don't- I don't like her that way.

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