Chapter 19

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Quote for the chapter:

"It happened so suddenly and I don't know when I started liking you."

-Luisa Cai

Decided to change the cover to the one I originally made. Feels this has more connection to the story itself :>


Fine. What if I am? Chloe frowned. She felt bad towards Jevon. Natalie already has a boyfriend. She shouldn't be a relationship wrecker.

"Let's not forget she has a boyfriend. A decent and nice one." Chloe pointed out.

Natalie and Jevon look like a perfect pair but in her heart, it hurts when she imagines the two of them together. Chloe is dearly confused. Is it because of Jevon or Natalie? Is this longing for friendship?

"We never said we'll help set her up with you." Alice grins, teasingly. This is one of the rare times Alice has teased her. Vanessa was amused as if Alice and her mind worked the same way. She was honest about saying that too.

"Uh, I-"

"We're just joking. So you like her in that way huh?" Vanessa said as if validating what has happened.

Chloe gave in her real feelings and nodded her head. There's no use to deny that she wants to get close to Natalie. It won't do good if she rushed her. Besides, she's all about being orderly and having everything planned except her feelings for Natalie.

"I would want to be at least her friend," Chloe said quite shyly, biting her lips. She doesn't fully understand what Natalie's doing to her. All she knows is that she is changing, and she doesn't mind it.

Vanessa and Alice looked at her in silence. Chloe was confused as to why her friends were suddenly very quiet. It's as if they weren't teasing her a while ago.

"What?" Chloe asked, now back to her old self.

"You looked so adorable and delicate a while ago. To think the Cold Chloe would be back so fast. I would've teased her more a while ago." Vanessa fake sighed.

"So tell us how did it happen? How'd you fallen for her? Just to think that your both were at each other's throat last week." Alice asked, diverting Vanessa's teasing.

Chloe sighs and decides to just tell Vanessa and Alice. It would also lighten her heart if she tells her friends.

"Remember the party? I saw Natalie that night. She was drunk, and something suddenly happened. She kissed me. I think that's how it started. You already know the rest. I took her home." Chloe explained. She never thought it would be nerve-wracking to tell her friends that.

"The make-out session?" Alice said curiously.

"Must be yesterday," Vanessa said as she nodded her head.

Chloe blushes while her two friends are chuckling. Who would've thought that their friend would be so darn cute and bashful when she's in love. They didn't mind if Chloe started to fall for Natalie since it seems some part of her ice is slowly melting. The problem would lie on Natalie herself since she is already dating someone, and they're not even sure if Natalie swings that way, unlike Chloe. Chloe never minded what gender she would date, heck, she didn't even think of dating or falling in love not until now. Natalie's a nice person with an attitude. Since Vanessa used to have a class with Natalie, she knows that it would be okay if Natalie's the one who Chloe fell for. Vanessa smiled at herself. This year would surely be a roller coaster ride.

"Dinner's ready." Chloe's mom, Annie shouted. They got up and went downstairs for dinner.

Brian was ready seated and ready for dinner. Vanessa and Alice were also excited. They are a fan of Annie's cooking skills. Vanessa used to joke about how she would do anything to be born out of Annie's womb, and Chloe would threaten to tell Vanessa's mom about that. Vanessa is afraid of her mom. They would always clash, but despite that, she's certainly close to her mom that she sometimes talks to her about her problem.

"That looks delicious Annie," Alice said politely. Vanessa was talking to Brian about Chloe.

"You love your sister don't you, Brian," Vanessa said. Brian smiled widely and nodded. Vanessa and Alice were really surprised at first when they found out that Chloe has a younger brother. Chloe wouldn't forget their faces when they first visited her house. Brian wasn't like Chloe. He's talkative and charming, most of all he and Chloe got along more compared to other siblings. They both are quite an ironic pair. Even if Chloe was her usual icy self, Brian treated it as something normal and wasn't offended, unlike the others who would cower with fear. When they saw Chloe's father, Harvey. They were afraid at first. One day when they were visiting, they caught Annie flirting openly with Harvey, and saw Harvey was in fact bashful and adorable. After that, they were no longer scared, and found him really adorable, especially how he still is pretty much in love with Annie. Sometimes when they visit, Annie would tell them adorable stories about Harvey, which would make his ear red. Vanessa did wonder that Chloe might be similar to her father. Alice and Vanessa once had a conversation about whether Chloe would be bashful like her father when it comes to romance or not, but it seems it's like father and daughter.

"I see you love my wife's cooking," Harvey said to Vanessa and Alice as he took off his coat and sat with them. His face was serious like Chloe's. It's as if he would murder you if you bother to look at him.

"We'll visit often. We've been preoccupied with our projects and school requirements." Annie said, now facing Harvey.

"Hope everyone's excited about a Japanese dinner. I've whipped up some katsudon. We're making Harvey's favorite tonight." Annie said as Chloe helped her distribute the dinner. Annie then kissed Harvey on the cheek which made him red before taking a seat. The dinner was definitely out of this world. 

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