Chapter 20

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Quote for the chapter:

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."

 ― Dalai Lama XIV

Was supposed to post this on Friday. I was kinda swamped, but here it is!! 


The stadium is full of audiences from the six different high schools that would be competing in order to get the title of championship for this year. For three years, Nicola High School's Flying Cheerleaders held the championship title. The Flying Cheerleaders and Growling Blue Lions of Hidget Academy have fought over the title for years. The gigantic stadium is divided into six high schools with their colors representing. It was noisy and the fans were really excited for the competition. Outside the stadium filled with fans that were not able to secure seats for the competition. Every year many fans and even the students of the high schools themselves would fight over the tickets since there are fans across the states.

Natalie is quite nervous. The day of their competition has come. For three years, their school has only won as the first runner-up not the champions. She promised to her seniors that as captain this year, they would definitely receive the title as Champions for this year. As she watched the other team perform, her heart raced faster than ever. She's the captain, she shouldn't be nervous or else the rest of the team would follow. They can do it, of course they can, especially when Chloe has praised them every time she visited. She looked around the audiences and spotted a brunette with a frown. Chloe wasn't joking when she said that she'll attend their competition. Somehow she was glad that Chloe has been nicer to her than ever. Not to mention that she's been quite stable these past few weeks. Today's going to be a good day. Natalie knows it.

"Next would be the Growling Blue Lions of the prestigious Hidget Academy!" The announcer said.

Natalie had her chin up with confidence. It's time. This year for sure they would win. Chloe did compliment them, and knowing Chloe, a compliment is very rare.


Chloe was amazed by the performance of the cheerleading team, and hell she couldn't keep her eyes from Natalie. Damn hot Natalie got Chloe's mouth dry. When the music started, everyone cheered out loud. Their stunt was amazing that even the audience from the competitor schools were cheering for them. The whole arena went silent when Natalie and her team did the backflip from mid air. Chloe was sure that the championship title would be theirs.

"Oh hot damn! No wonder you keep on visiting them." Vanessa squealed.

Chloe shot Vanessa a questioning look.

"That move right there, made Natalie look extremely hot." Vanessa pointed with a huge grin on her face.

Chloe's ears flushed and returned her gaze to the finished performance. Why was she suddenly losing her cool when it came to the blonde? She never does that. Is that the reason why she always visits the gym? To ogle at Natalie? Impossible. Maybe.

"I don't know what you're saying." Chloe said.

Alice chuckled. Somehow, she liked the new Chloe especially when Vanessa teased her. She seemed more friendly than ever. The past few weeks, Chloe tried to avoid Natalie yet she always goes to the gym to watch Natalie's practice. Unknown to Chloe, Vanessa and Alice had a plan in order to help Chloe since their friend is such an icy pussy cat. Despite being cold and ruthless as the rumors says which is partly true, she is such a shy and hopeless romantic. They both have caught Chloe stealing a glance at Natalie and blushing so suddenly after. It seems that Chloe is always thinking of Natalie, but even if that was the case, she's still the plain old cold Chloe when Natalie is not in the image.

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