Chapter 43

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Quote for the chapter:

"Addiction is bad. Too bad you're my addiction."

-Luisa Cai


"It's much better that way," Chloe said and turned to Vince which made Vice's palms sweaty.

Chloe walked towards Vince. She suppressed a sigh. Vince was standing there as if he was about to be eaten by a tiger. Chloe wondered that despite her change, some — no, many were still terrified of her.

"That was a great idea. Having fewer volunteers would boost others' productivity." Chloe smiled. Vince was shocked at what he had just heard and wasn't able to react right away.

Chloe left him and walked towards Natalie who was still moving the gifts under the Christmas tree. The administrator and the caretakers were busy distracting the kids. The volunteer club and the cheerleading team always choose different orphanages each year to surprise the kids.

"I'll take that. Why don't you take a break?" Chloe said as she took over.

"I am stronger than you. I'm the captain of the cheerleading team or have you forgotten." Natalie joked, flexing her bicep.

Chloe chuckled and rolled her eyes. She still took whatever Natalie was carrying, and walked towards the Christmas tree. Natalie followed what Chloe had told her and sat at an unoccupied chair where some of the volunteers were resting.

"Is that Chloe? She seemed nicer." Jonas, one of the cheerleaders asked.

"She approved this whole thing and even made this event a legal collaboration with the volunteer club and with the student council. She made our lives easier. Imagine if we were caught. The principal would suspend us." Christine said.

"She's hot, I don't mind it," Jonas said with a smirk.

Natalie suppressed her urge to roll her eyes. So this stupid of a member of hers wouldn't care as long as someone is hot? She felt irritated for some reason.

"Should I try and ask her out?" Hailey, another cheerleader said.

Natalie's eyebrows twitched. Not another one eyeing Chloe. She didn't really mind after all Chloe did say that she would pursue her. Natalie still didn't know what to decide. She liked their current relationship right now.

"We've been curious. There were many rumors, but of course, we didn't believe it. But, we're still curious-" Hailey was cut-off by Natalie.

"Out with it," Natalie said, quite irritated. She didn't like the same petitio Principi.

"Are you and Chloe dating?" Hailey managed to blurt out.

Natalie could see that her teammates were being eaten out alive by their curiosity. Is that how others also see them? Natalie didn't know what to answer. They weren't dating, but Chloe's still pursuing her. She didn't want to sound rude towards Chloe. Besides, despite how Chloe used to be, she was willing to go an extra mile for Natalie. Not to mention that her therapist said that her condition was getting better, which made her curious because Jevon hasn't been hanging out with her often, so he can't be the reason. There's only explanation would be Chloe. Does it mean that she has to be with Chloe often for her to get better? But that's just too cruel, she might give Chloe hope. Natalie's heart felt heavy. She didn't know whether her feelings for Chloe was love or not. That night, she must have just been horny. She did accidentally watched lesbian porn the other night which she by the way finished. Natalie felt guilty for giving Chloe hope when she wasn't even sure of her answer yet.

The other three were still waiting for Natalie's answer. Sadly for them, Natalie's in a daze.

Chloe walked over to them after she finished helping the other volunteer club members move the gifts.

"Hi," Chloe said, with her hands in her outerwear's jacket. Despite no snow this year, it was still extremely cold.

Natalie snapped from her daze. "How about asking Chloe?" Natalie answered.

Chloe tilted her head slightly, confused. She wondered what the cheerleaders were curious about. She didn't mind them asking questions, but it was extremely awkward when she saw Hailey nudging Jason to ask instead of her, and Jason shook his head immediately. Christine sighed. These two really are going to be the end of her.

"We were just curious if Natalie and you are dating," Christine uttered, her voice cracking. Christine wasn't terrified of Chloe anymore, but asking a personal question might light the bomb inside of Chloe.

Chloe's eyes widened at the question of Christine. She could still hear the echoes of Christine's questions. She looked at Natalie who just looked at her indifferently, waiting for her to answer. Chloe gathered all her courage and hoped that Natalie won't be mad at her later.

"We are not but I'm pursuing her," Chloe said.

The other three cheerleaders' jaws dropped and their eyes widened as if unable to believe what had been uttered from Chloe's mouth. None of the three said anything for a while. Chloe took the chance to sit beside Natalie. She looked down at her feet, hands still inside her pocket. She didn't want to see what Natalie's reaction would be — it's more like she's afraid. For all she knows, Natalie might be irritated at her constant pursuit.

"Wait, say what?!" Jason shouted, which caused everyone to look towards their direction.

"You're pursuing Natalie? I didn't mishear right?" Jason continued to say, now in a softer voice.

Chloe looked at him and smiled. She nodded confirming her answer. She dared to look at Natalie who had her eyebrows pinched with a disturbed face. Chloe sulked, afraid that Natalie might be mad. She then leaned over at Natalie and rested her head on the other girl's shoulder.

"Sorry if I made you mad." Chloe blurted out softly.

The other three were still seated beside them and tried to eavesdrop on the two of them. They could hardly believe that Chloe's pursuing Natalie let alone acting so vulnerable. Their brains were unable to function properly and were in a daze. Christine even questioned her past decision.

Alice and Vanessa, who saw the adorable scene between Natalie and Chloe, decided to walk towards them.

"You finally grew a backbone," Vanessa said towards Chloe.

Vanessa gasped when she received a slap on the back from Alice. Chloe even glared at her.

"I was just teasing geez, but you two are making me shy," Vanessa said her hands clasping her cheeks.

"Why do I see Jevon in you?" Chloe sighed. She sat properly, her head was not rested on Natalie's shoulder anymore.

"Anyone called me?" Jevon said, walking towards them with a wide smile, holding his phone.

"Hey, look don't they look cute together?" Jevon said, showing the picture of Chloe resting her head on Natalie's shoulder.

Chloe felt flames emit from inside her. She didn't want Natalie to have no say about their relationship. If everyone misunderstood and thought that she was dating Natalie, Natalie might feel uncomfortable about it.

"Airdrop it to me," Vanessa said, pulling her phone from her pocket.

Chloe got up and walked towards Jevon and Vanessa. She snatched Vanessa's phone. Their teasing is going too far. Although she was pursuing Natalie, didn't like the way Jevon and Vanessa acted even though it was all in her favor. It just wasn't fair to Natalie.

"Van. This is crossing the line." Chloe said.

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