Chapter 38

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Quote for the chapter:

"Sometimes getting caught is okay."


She wasn't particularly sweet-talking to Natalie. She just said whatever she felt. Whenever she sees Natalie, she just can't help being her cold way. Recently, she's even being considerate of others' feelings. There were even rumors about how the real Chloe was abducted and replaced by a fake one. She found it ridiculous.

"Sometimes, I agree with the rumors. Where did our old Chloe go?" Natalie joked.

"She fell in love with Natalie," Chloe said with a sweet smile that made Natalie fidget.

Chloe must have crossed the line. Even if she was pursuing Natalie, Natalie must have felt uncomfortable. She's her friend after all, and anyone would feel awkward when their friend kept being persistent in pursuing them that their friends don't even act like a friend anymore.

" Sorry," Chloe said.

"Just tell them that she just woke up suddenly one day and decided to be nicer," Chloe smirked.

Natalie laughed at her answer. It's alright. Chloe did promise herself that she would wait. She would absolutely do that, and not hurry to not make Natalie uncomfortable.

" There's a drive-in theater. Want to see one?" Chloe asked.

" Alright, darling. But, let's go order a drive-through at Mc Donald's. I'm craving for some burgers." Natalie said, opening the music radio and resting her head on the car.

Chloe nodded and drove towards the through. After a few minutes, they arrived. Chloe ordered a plain burger while Natalie ordered a Big Mac. Chloe didn't even question Natalie's choice. She was the one who gave a talk yet Natalie's the one who's starving. Well, she did have a practice a while ago.

They arrived shortly at the drive-in movie theater. The movie that will be aired today will be You're My Suspect. (Note: This is real and is set in another universe, but in this universe, it's just a movie here and the others are just fictional here.). The movie revolves around Heirra Sevens, a captain officer who was tasked to solve a murder mystery. There she meets a suspect that she never knew would twist her heart and make her fall head over heels for her. (Note: It's another book I wrote.)

"Is it any good?" Natalie asked.

" I'll leave it up to you to decide. I did like the plot." Chloe answered.

She had read the book when it was first published a few years ago. The story wasn't that popular, but Chloe did find it appealing. Soon after it gained some popularity and with its mystery and lesbian romance theme, many loved it. (Note: Hopefully lol.) It was decided to be made into a movie soon after. Chloe preferred the book more than the movie, The actresses didn't look much like the ones she had imagined them to be, but needless, the acting was great.

Chloe chuckled the whole movie as Natalie kept pestering her to spill some details which she didn't. She was actually quite shocked by the plot twist. She never would have guessed it. It was quite rushed though. As per Chloe's opinion, it would have been much more amazing if the author wrote more chapters of it. Chloe would have preferred it that way.

After the movie indeed, Natalie kept hitting Chloe with small punches that only made Chloe laugh. Chloe assumed that Natalie must have been connecting the dots and had many suspects in her mind. Chloe didn't particularly mind the ending. The laws were also too relaxed. Chloe took a fascination with laws and did read about them sometimes so she was sure of her knowledge. Well, it did make it cuter, especially the revelation of another couple. In the book, there were a few extra chapters for it. She was glad that the director decided to include it as part of the movie. It made it more enjoyable especially for those who didn't read the books. They would've been missing on the cute couple other than the main one.

" You should've just told me. I cracked my head to think of a suspect, but I was wrong." Natalie said, sipping water.

" It would take the suspense away. From the looks of it, you enjoyed it so stop complaining." Chloe said as she ate some fries.

" Weren't you pursuing me, darling? Shouldn't you be nicer?" Natalie responded.

"And, I'm honest, remember. Which I must say, that you find it cute." Chloe said with a smirk.

"You're getting bolder each day. I missed the days where you were shy, and would blush every time I'm near." Natalie said, pouting.

Oh, if Natalie only knows how Chloe would gather enough courage each day to speak boulder to her. Chloe read a book about how to properly pursue a woman. The book said that women prefer their pursuers to be bolder and confident. It should have been a worker, but it seemed that Natalie preferred the shy type. She should complain to the author about it. She didn't spend money on it to fail her. She would visit the bookstore and ask for details. She should at least have a consultation with the author rather than a refund. It would be reasonable.

" Where is your tissue paper placed again?" Natalie asked as she was opening the glove compartment.

Chloe suddenly remembered what was there. The book about pursuing women was placed there. Chloe panicked. She was about to get up and stop Natalie but was pulled back to her seat by her seatbelt. Chloe crushed at why she has to be the person who's worried about safety all the time when the car's engine wasn't even on.

" Nat, don't open i-"

Natalie's eyes widened and she looked at Chloe and the book again. Natalie gets the book from the compartment.

" Pursuing Women Must Know Strategies," Natalie said and looked at her with a confused face, and her eyebrows arched up.

Chloe's face turned red immediately and turned her gaze somewhere else. She averted her focus and started to find the tissue paper that Natalie was taking a while ago. Her composed and confidence left immediately as if it had gone for a vacation. Chloe was now fidgeting.

" Here's the tissue paper you wanted," Chloe said as she handed the tissue paper to Natalie who still had one of her eyebrows arched.

Chloe blushed again deeper than before and didn't utter anything. She felt awkward. Was Natalie going to be turned off that she was following some author's instruction because she didn't know how to make Natalie fall in love with her? Chloe felt her throat getting itchy. She cleared her throat nervously. Nathalie must have sensed her nervousness, and busted into laughter. Chloe was puzzled at Natalie's reaction and was no longer flushed.

" No one who'd pursue someone would get caught reading something like this," Natalie said, raising the book.

" I was wrong. You are extremely adorable." Natalie said as her lips curved upward.

"Darling," Natalie said with a wink.

Chloe's face flushed again which made Natalie's smile grow wider. Chloe turned her gaze and started the engine, her face still feeling hot. Why does she feel like Natalie likes teasing her? She was pursuing Natalie only to get teased by her.

She drove Natalie safely back to her gigantic house. Chloe attempted to give Natalie a quick peck on the cheek to only fail when their forehead bumped each other too hard. Chloe cursed her nervousness and apologized to Natalie, who assured her that she didn't mind it. Natalie left her car. Chloe fixed her rear mirror and told herself that she will make Natalie fall for her. 

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