Chapter 11

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Quote of the chapter:

"The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love."

-Henry Miller

Chloe decided to explore the mansion. She was amazed by how beautiful the walls were. Various paintings were hanging on the wall. There were many rooms too. Chloe didn't want to know what was happening inside. She just hopes that the guys were using protection or else Jevon's going to be in a lot of trouble. Just as she was exploring the second floor, she saw a door slightly open. She then heard a scream coming out from the slightly opened door. She knows that she shouldn't even bother with that; however, her conscience is killing her. It might be rape and Chloe wouldn't be able to live if it was indeed rape and she had decided to walk away from it. She might as well as just check it out and if she was wrong, she could always walk away. Chloe decided to barge in and saw Natalie beating the hell out of a guy. Swearing and kicking him. The guy was tipsy and drunk, no wonder he didn't even try to dodge the blow of Natalie. The drunk guy was still trying to throw himself at Natalie despite her protest.

"You fucking cunt!"

"Bloody hell. Bastard!" Natalie screamed at the drunk guy.

"Natalie, that's enough. He's drunk."

Chloe decided to calm Natalie down since the guy was already harmless and talking to himself as he sat on the floor. Chloe wanted to sympathize with the guy especially when she saw a black eye on the drunk guy's face. Natalie's one hell of a badass, Chloe concluded.

"Mind your own goddamn own business darling." Natalie hissed.

Natalie was drunk. Well, Chloe herself was tipsy. She still calls me darling in that state. Amusing. Chloe thought to earn Natalie a warm and genuine smile from Chloe.

"Come on. Let's go. That poor boy had enough." Chloe said as she grabbed Natalie's arm and steadied her.

"Leave me alone," Natalie said in an angry voice.

"Come on. There's another free room over there."

"Let gooo." Natalie said as she shook her arm from Chloe's grip.

Despite being the ice queen who didn't care about others, she found herself being patient with Natalie. She decided that she needed to find Jevon to take care of Natalie since she didn't know where Natalie lived or else she would have just decided to take Natalie home herself.

"Come on let's talk. Did he do something?" Chloe asked.

Natalie just stood there with a frown but didn't answer.

So it's a yes. Chloe frowned and decided that maybe the guy deserved to be beaten up again. She wasn't sympathizing with him one bit now and if he didn't have a blackeye already, she would've given him one herself. Even for a drunk, he should think twice before trying to rape Natalie. Chloe was so furious that she punched the door. Natalie was startled by her actions and frowned. Chloe smiled and reassured her that she wasn't angry with her and that she wanted to give the guy another black eye. Chloe walked towards Natalie.

"Tell me. Don't be afraid." Chloe said as her hand grabbed Natalie's waist.

Natalie didn't fight back and followed Chloe into another vacant room. They should be safe here and if anyone tried to do anything to Natalie, she would murder them with her glare or maybe punish them with her authority. Chloe was surprised by herself that she can lose control of her emotions this quickly.

"What happened?" Chloe asked.

Natalie looked at her with anger in her eyes.

"Stay away from me. Goddammit!" Natalie screamed as tears began to fall.

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