Chapter 50

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Quote for the chapter:

"If it's possible for one person to be hurt by another, then it's possible for that person to be healed by another." 

– Sohma Hatori


Christmas went smoothly for Chloe's family. They spent Christmas lazing around the house, but of course, prepared a generous amount of food. There was a roasted chicken that Annie bought from her friend — as always Annie's friendliness comes at hand. The chicken was juicy with a hint of spice. There's also salad which Chloe lives for and some roasted beef as well as potatoes. For dessert, there was an apple pie. Chloe loved the apple pie that her mother baked for them. Annie's recipe that she'd pass down to Chloe and Brian when they reach eighteen. Chloe can't wait for her birthday in February.

She had a video chat with her friends that Christmas to greet them. Vanessa stuffing a cake in her mouth. According to her, her cool grandma bakes the best cake in the universe. Even Annie couldn't compare to her grandma's. They once even fought about that, and Alice had to step in to stop them. Alice was with her parents, apparently similar to Chloe's, her family was enjoying a movie night. Natalie's on the other hand was enjoying a hot chocolate by the fireplace while discussing business and her future — that was quite the mood. They all just laughed it off. Chloe upon seeing Natalie's face that night felt a sigh of relief. They were okay again. She could never have guessed that her three friends, including the one she loves misunderstood her relationship with Beatrice.

That night, they also discussed where they will be going when they meet again on the fourth of January. Vanessa had an idea of visiting the new amusement park that would be opening. Vanessa even flashed five tickets in front of the. It seems like Vanessa had already planned it beforehand. Chloe was glad that her friend didn't forget Beatrice's share. They talked all night about their experience and how Vanessa apparently won the snow fight contests with her cousins and won her grandma's famous cake.

Her parents were also extremely happy that Chloe's able to express her feelings more. Annie seems to be proud that her genes were able to dominate Harvey's. Harvey smiled and for the first time, ruffled with Chloe's hair with a satisfied smile. It seemed like Chloe might not have understood her father enough like her mother. Her father did have a cute side. She smiled to herself. She was glad that she fell in love with Natalie even when the chance of Natalie reciprocating her feelings wasn't clear.


Chloe stood outside the amusement park. She was thirty minutes early and as of the moment, her friends were nowhere to be seen as well as Beatrice. She called Beatrice after her talk with her friends and invited the older girl. Beatrice was more willing to spend her time with Chloe and her friends in the amusement park. It seems to be the new hot thing to visit right now. Vanessa really knows her stuff.

"Chloe!" Beatrice ran towards Chloe, wrapping her arms around Chloe and giving her a warm hug.

"Bea, I'm glad you made it," Chloe said, reciprocating.

Someone coughed. They unwrapped their arms from each other. There Chloe saw Natalie who looked irritated and Vanessa with a huge smirk. Alice was just chilling and looking at her watch.

" Flirting in front of us huh?" Vanessa said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Chloe glared at Vanessa. She is getting irritated at Vanessa. Chloe didn't care if Vanessa would want to keep on teasing her, but this is something that Chloe doesn't take lightly.

"Really? Why wasn't I informed? So is this our date?" Beatrice said, riding on Vanenessa's teasing.

Chloe sighed and grabbed Natalie's hand. There was no way she was just going to do nothing. She led Natalie towards the entrance not waiting for Vanessa and the rest. As they wait for Vanessa and her other friends to arrive near the entrance, Natalie's mood clearly drops without Chloe noticing. Chloe was preoccupied with her friend's recent behavior.

Alice was pinching Vanessa's ear as they walked towards Chloe without caring who saw them. She didn't like how Vanessa acted, especially when Chloe had just explained to them that she's clearly into Natalie. Beatrice just laughed it off.

When they arrived at the entrance, Vanessa apologized immediately to Chloe. Chloe had her hands on her hips while giving a glare to Vanessa. Vanessa was terrified at what her friend might do. She was in the wrong after all. Chloe just smacked her friend's head.

"Don't do it again. You can tease me about other things, but not this." Chloe said with a smile. Vanessa became quite teary. Normally, Chloe wouldn't speak to her for a few days when she gets irritated.

"I won't, I promise. Come on let's go." Vanessa said.

They arrived inside. The amusement park was huge. There was a path that they had to walk towards before they would actually enter the amusement park. They saw a huge sign — Welcome to DreamLand. behind the sign was a gigantic castle. Many others were entering the castle. It looks like they'll have to enter it before arriving at the actual amusement park. They took the time to take a group picture before proceeding inside. The castle was actually a museum art where the visitors could take pictures. Chloe and Natalie took one where Chloe was the thief looking inside a cage and Natalie was the police. They took quite a generous amount of pictures and finally decided to exit, there they saw the actual amusement park.

It was full of people, but not too crowded to enjoy what the amusement park could give. Many tourists were visiting. Chloe felt a smile across her face. She hasn't seen this many people. It made her proud of her hometown. The amusement park staff gave them a map of the whole amusement park. It feels like they won't be able to finish riding the roller coaster and rides that the amusement park could offer.

Chloe took a look at the map. Chloe was rather into the map. She analyzed the course that they could take to be able to take around at all the spots of the amusement park. There were six major must-ride roller coasters. As for the others, it was just an average one. There's a Ferris wheel towards the exit of the amusement park.

"Chlo-" Natalie was cut-off by Beatrice.

"Stop analyzing, Chlo. Let's just enjoy whatever rides we find." Beatrice said while snatching the map away from Chloe as well as putting her arm on Chloe's shoulders.

Natalie's mouth twitched but remained silent. She's using her nickname.

They admired the beautiful view. Alice and Chloe were afraid of the extreme ride that they saw first. It had many clothoid loops. Just by looking at it, Chloe and Alice swore they were going to faint and to vomit so they moved on to the less extreme rides. There was a ride for teens below fifteen years of age. It didn't have any loops just going up and down motions. Vanessa was quite disappointed but she didn't have a choice. Chloe and Alice agreed to ride this one. Thank Gods! They have been unable to ride some rides because of Chloe's and Alice's unable to handle the rides. Chloe was about to get in the cart where Natalie sat, but Beatrice grabbed her and led her to a different cart in front with smiles. In the end, Chloe rode with Beatrice leaving Natalie alone behind Alice and Vanessa who were in the middle. 

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