Chapter 56

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Quote for the chapter:

"You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them." 

– Shonda Rhimes


Vanessa smiled. Even before they were dating, they already acted as if they were already dating. Vanessa told herself that this isn't anything new. While eating lunch, both Vanessa and Alice wanted to disappear from Natalie's and Chloe's sigh. The air around them was so romantic that it made both Vanessa and Alice wish they weren't single.


Chloe's hand trembled when she saw the letter that went missing from her bag. It was the love letter that she wrote to Jevon years before. Why is it here? Someone must have put it here. What's their objective? Chloe clenched her jaws. After all this, the letter was back here again to stir trouble.

"Chlo, you don't seem well," Natalie said, after giving Chloe a quick peck on the lips.

Chloe showed Natalie the letter that suddenly appeared in her locker. Natalie's eyes widened out of surprise and looked at Chloe. Chloe sighed. She should just burn it away. It's not of use anymore to her—it never had been. The only thing it did to her that she was grateful for is that it was the main reason why Natalie approached her then things escalated from there. Form enemies to lovers, she'd take Natalie's hand anytime and kiss it many times.

Chloe was about to throw it away when she saw a sticky note attached to it.

Meet me in the field. ASAP.

Chloe didn't want to associate with the one who didn't know how to keep a secret, but her curiosity is making it hard to refuse. She needed to know who is the damned person who would do this. She wanted to confront the person. She looked at Natalie who only smiled at her.

"I'll go with you," Natalie said.

"Of course you are," Chloe said with a soft smile and kissed her girlfriend's forehead.

Chloe grabbed her things and headed towards the field together with Natalie. The sky was still bright. Students hang out with their friends while others are heading home or going to a party and whatnot. Chloe texted Vanessa and Alice that she won't be going home with them today. She needs to know who's the person after all.

Her eyes widened when she saw a familiar figure waiting for them.


Jevon flashed a charming smile to both Natalie and Chloe. He knows why they were here. After all, he was the one who tweeted about the love letter that Chloe wrote for him.

"Jevon?" Natalie asked, confused.

Chloe was confused as well. She couldn't wait for his explanation. She never suspected Jevon. What does he plan to accomplish? Chloe wondered.

"I'm sorry for tweeting about your love letter for me—or rather for Natalie," Jeavon said with a confident smile.

Chloe's head was spinning. What was Jeavon thinking? It was clearly for him or did she not remember her past as well as she thought. Natalie looked at Chloe with confused eyes. Her nose twitched while her lips pursed, suppressing a smile. Natalie was confused, but the idea that Chloe wrote a love letter for her made her lips curved upward into a smile. She remembered the poem that Chloe wrote for her. It made her heart race.

Jevon fixed his hair that was being messed up by the wind. His smile never left his face.

"Open the letter, and read it out loud. Don't worry nobody's here since it's cold outside." Jevon said.

Varsities won't have practiced not until February at most. They pretty much have a few days before Natalie's back at practice.

Chloe opened the letter and saw another letter behind it. Since when did Chloe write two letters? Chloe herself wasn't sure of it. Chloe gulped, her hand straightening the paper. Chloe cleared her throat and began to read.

"Dear Jevon,

How do you get Natalie to be soft towards you? She always smiles yet frowns as if I had killed her cat whenever I look at her. No wonder I find you interesting, it's a compliment so take it. I like you and especially how you make Natalie smile and feel comfortable. I would really like to get to know you better.


Chloe H."

Chloe said. Chloe's eyebrows pinched together, confused.

This didn't sound like a love letter. Did she really write this? She couldn't quite remember. All she could remember is writing a letter to Jevon about her feelings. The way the letter was constructed was as if she's-

"I was confused at first too. Is this a joke? Since it was addressed to me, I felt it would be okay to take a peak of it. The Ice Queen, Chloe Harker, wrote something for me, but it turns out that it was about Natalie." Jevon said with a smile.

"It'll make sense later on. Continue reading the other letter." Jevon said as he warmed his hands with his breath.

"Dear Mysterious Girl,

Can I be your friend? When I saw you, you made my heart go bum bum. I wanted to talk to you but you look so pretty just standing. You must have been an angel.

- Chloe Harker

Chloe finished reading the second letter.

Chloe couldn't remember it. When did she write it? Most importantly, for whom? Who was the girl, her heart heated for? It didn't matter since she has Natalie now, so what was it that Jevon wanted to say.

Natalie's mouth twitched. Her mind is wandering elsewhere. Was Chloe perhaps still in love with this person? Jevon was never her crush, after all, so was it this mysterious girl. She wanted to confront Jevon. Didn't he want her to be happy, so why was he willing to expose this to him? Was Jevon perhaps worried that Chloe already has a person she loved, yet why did he encourage her with Chloe?

Many thoughts ran through both girls' minds.

"You seem not to remember, Chloe. I wouldn't be surprised if Natalie didn't." Jevon said, sighing.

"Remember the park on a windy summer about five years ago when flowers bloomed for the first time?" Jevon asked.

"Yes, I remember," Natalie answered.

A flash of memory flashed before Chloe's eyes. There she saw a beautiful girl with an angelic smile, tucking strands of her hair as she watched the flowers bloom. The wind blowing towards the mysterious younger girl made it look as if she was in paradise. She was only able to see the side view of the girl, and for the first time, her heartbeat was louder than ever. She wanted to approach the girl, but was suddenly stopped when a certain older man shouted at his daughter, "Don't you dare come back! You woman loving dyke." It shocked the younger Chloe. Was she any less different than the daughter who was kicked out of the house? It made her terrified. She was already initially unapproachable because of her personality, yet when she finally decided to make the first move. Young Chloe was smart. She already knows that if she's ever to be friends with the girl, she'll end up falling for her. It shattered her to know that she can't be in love with the mysterious girl. She ran home and wrote the letter in hopes it would calm her angry heart. She stored the letter away in her drawer never to be exposed. The next day she woke up as if nothing had just happened. Her mind erased all the memories she had meeting the girl. All seen could remember was a charming blond and blue-eyed boy beside the girl who was smiling widely at her.


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