Chapter 46

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Quote for the chapter:

"Jealousy starts when feelings begin to form."


"She's nice. Besides, I think she'll sweep you guys off your feet." Chloe grinned.

Chloe began to eat. After the previous conversation, the tension was gone. Chloe listened to Vanessa's chatter about how excited she is to visit her grandparents for the tenth time that she wanted to smack some sense to her friend. She obviously won't. Despite her annoying friend, she loves Vanessa and her annoyingness is what hers her Vanessa that Chloe loves. Natalie sat beside her, closer enough for their legs to brush each other. Chloe tried to calm her heart. If she even blushed a little, her friends would notice, and she'll be questioned again.

" Natalie, where will you spend your Christmas? Many of the students here would go to LA or where their parents are." Alice asked.

" Of course she'll go to London, right?" Vanessa answered.

Chloe took a bite of her carbonara, not saying anything while Natalie crossed her leg. Natalie shook her head and said, " No, sadly I won't be. My parents are coming over as well as my sister." without much enthusiasm.

When Chloe asked that question to Natalie a few days prior, Natalie answered the same thing. She also found out that this will be their first time they're celebrating Christmas here. Usually, she would fly to London to her parents and sister for Christmas and would stay until New Year's. It looks like Natalie might have wanted to go to London. Chloe had never been to London, she then remembered about Oxford's offer to her. Now might be a good time to bring up college at least.

"Where do you guys plan to go to college?" Chloe asked.

" Really, Chloe. We're talking about Christmas and here you suddenly bring up the subject of college." Vanessa jokingly said.

Chloe glared at her. Of course, she knows how Vanessa is always annoying. Looks like today is no exception.

" Don't be rude, Vanessa," Alice said pinching Vanessa's cheek.

" OWWW! Aw-right." Vanessa said as she creased her red cheeks.

" I plan to take fashion designing in Paris, darling," Natalie said, not hesitant to call Chloe darling again since Chloe didn't mind it.

Chloe's lips pursed. which caused her friends to look at her puzzled. Vanessa then shoots her a smile. Chloe cursed at herself. She really is obvious. Chloe realized how the romance stories she's read about ice queens. The novels don't do them justice even the ice kings. The cold-hearted boss. She's in their shoes. Despite being colds as everyone described them, this must be how they felt when they fell in love with the protagonist. Their faces don't show how flushed they are, but they are head over heels, just like her. The only exception is that her friends are very keen.

" Vanessa and I plan to go to Yale- wait. Don't you know already?" Alice asked.

When Alice said that, Natalie looked at her with her eyebrows raised. Chloe shrugged her shoulders acting as if she didn't have any intentions. Chloe already knew that Natalie would be studying in Paris, but she wanted to know which university. Chloe didn't mind getting into Oxford, but it'll be too away from her parents. She does have one more year to think about it, but of course, making the universities waiting won't be ideal especially since she'll be enrolling as a scholar.

" Just wanted to make sure," Chloe said as she took a sip of the glass of water.

"Uh-huh. Sure." Vanessa said as she winked at her. Chloe is going to kill her friend.

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