Chapter 23

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Quote for the chapter:

"I love how your eyes look at me, darling,"

-N. Hughes


The movie started as a funny comedic-like, especially with Anna Kendrick as the main character. Chloe was never interested in movies, she's more into books, but she makes an exception for Anna Kendrick. She likes the actress because of her humor. The actress was somehow able to make her laugh from time to time and loosen up.

"I like Anna Kendrick. She's the only comedian who's able to make me laugh." Chloe said to Natalie.

"Looks like Jevon picked a decent movie for us. I'm not a fan of comedy. I'm more into mysteries. I hope I'll laugh at her jokes too. " Natalie said.

Chloe also enjoys mystery books. It's one of her favorite genres next to fantasy. They continued to watch the show. In the meantime, Chloe finds the movie quite boring. Stephanie's such a goody-two-shoes. This makes her character flatter than what Chloe initially thought. Well, Anna Kendrick might be funny, but Stepahine isn't. Then the scene where it rains, a character who has blonde hair wearing a suit appears. Chloe then imagines Natalie wearing a suit the same as the blonde, and damn, she looks so hot that Chloe accidentally blurted out, "She's damn hot."

"What?" Natalie asked.

Chloe's ears reddened, and she shook her head. She wasn't referring to Emily but Natalie. She was glad that she didn't blurt out that part. It's fine to let Natalie think that she's into girls rather than her. Natalie might avoid her if she found out that one of her friends has the hots for her.

Natalie heard it loud and clear. Natalie never knew that Chloe was into girls. No wonder Chloe was okay with making out with her. She observed Emily, and Chloe is right. Emily is hot. Natalie felt irritated at the thought of Chloe kissing Emily. She knows it won't happen since Emily is just a character in the movie, but the actress still exists. Chloe is beautiful, intelligent, and honest; Emily might fall for someone like Chloe. She felt herself grabbing her lightning tightly.

"I never knew you were into girls," Natalie said, her eyes still on the screen.

Chloe looked at Natalie. Chloe didn't know before. The only person she has liked this much is Natalie, and Natalie happens to be a girl. Chloe did have a slight crush on Jevon, but it wasn't like this. She's never the kind to be this interested in anyone until the night they kissed. Natalie broke every rule Chloe has followed. She even showed Natalie her emotions which don't often happen even with her family and her friends.

Chloe didn't know what to answer. She did think that Emily is beautiful, but she doesn't have the hots for her. Chloe decided to just shrug her shoulders and avoid answering in hopes that Natalie wouldn't pay any mind to it.Both Natalie and Chloe were inside their minds that they weren't able to follow the movie anymore. When the kiss scene between the two girls appeared, Chloe blushed a deep red.

Natalie has never seen Chloe blushing that hard. She felt irritated at the thought of Chloe blushing because of Emily. She reached for Chloe's hand, and she put her hand on top of Chloe's. Chloe flinched but didn't retreat her hand.

Natalie took that as approval and scooted closer towards Chloe. She was disappointed that Chloe didn't budge and just kept watching the movie. She moved closer and licked Chloe's right ear.

Chloe was so turned on right now. Her breathing became heavy. She doesn't know what Natalie is thinking, but she liked the feeling of it. Chloe tried her hardest to resist Natalie's urges, but it all fell when Natalie started to sit on her lap and kiss her lips. Chloe missed Natalie's soft lips.

Natalie's hands travel to Chloe's back, and she keeps creasing it. Natalie's hands were all over Chloe's back, and soon, Natalie's hands were cupping a handful of her breasts. Chloe trembles as Natalie massages her breast while slipping a tongue in her mouth. They were making out like there's no tomorrow.

Natalie was so turned on by how Chloe would always tremble by her touch. Natalie's mouth soon traveled from Chloe's lips to her neck and started sucking it. She also sucked Chloe on the collar bone area. Chloe moans a little. Natalie has never heard anything so lovely. The thought of Chloe, who's usually severe and dominating and being so suddenly submissive towards her, made her excited. Natalie slid down Chloe's nightgown, and there she saw a pair of beautiful breasts. She never thought that Chloe's breast was this big. The clothes that Chloe always wore aren't doing her breast justice. Natalie was glad that's the case since it would attract fewer men. Natalie felt happy that she's the only one who knows how big Chloe is. She can't wait to cup Chloe's ass with her hand.

"Chloe, darling, you look so beautiful. Your ass and your breasts are really from out of space." Natalie whispered to Chloe. Her hands touch Chloe's jawline.

Natalie proceeded to suck Chloe's breast while massaging the other one, which made Chloe arch back. She kept touching Chloe until she craved more and her hand traveled down in the middle of Chloe's thighs. Natalie teased a finger, creasing Chloe's core with her underwear on. 

Chloe moaned again, and Natalie can't wait to get Chloe naked and put her mouth in between Chloe's legs. Just as she was about to reach for Chloe's waist to remove Chloe's underwear. Just then, Chloe pushed her down.

"My turn," Chloe said with a smirk which made Natalie smile and raise her brow as if she was waiting for it. 

Natalie could wait after all, and she wouldn't mind Chloe tasting her first.

Chloe slid down Natalie's nightgown and had her mouth sucking Natalie's breasts. It was as beautiful as Chloe had imagined. Natalie's breasts were pink and hanging from her chest, making Chloe want to grab a handful of Natalie's breasts.

"I love how your eyes look at me, darling," Natalie said with a wink.

Chloe blushed, then it hit her. They were making out. She got up just to be stopped by Natalie's hand. Natalie pulled her, and she fell on top of Natalie naked. The sensation she feels from her breast being in contact with Natalie's bared breast sent her horniness bar to the top.

"It's alright. Trust me." Natalie whispered to her left ear.

Upon hearing that, Chloe's hand moved on its own and grabbed a handful of Natalie's breasts. Her lips crashed on Natalie's lips. The kiss was rough and dominating at first, then slowly, it became gentle. Chloe's stomach felt danced as if she won the Nobel Prize. Chloe has never felt like this before. They kept kissing, now with their tongues fighting for dominance. This time Chloe won, and her tongue danced and explored the mouth, Natalie. Chloe suddenly jumped away from Chloe when she heard a bang. Chloe and Natalie were surprised by the sound, and it looks like it came from the movie they were supposedly watching. Chloe got up and fixed her nightgown. She felt terrible. Natalie was cheating on Jevon with her. She felt such an ass. The girl she is in love with, yes, she was sure that she was in love with Natalie. Chloe sighed. She almost had sex with someone in a relationship.

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