Chapter 15

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Quote for the chapter:

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

– Sir Winston Churchill


"Natalie, I lied about Jevon," Chloe said and looked at Natalie. She saw Natalie's face dropped. Even if Natalie would feel betrayed, she should tell her the truth.

"I-I don't like him anymore." Chloe swallowed, hard.

Chloe panicked when she saw Natalie's crooked eyebrow. Unlike what Chloe thought, Natalie was actually confused. Chloe didn't like Jevon anymore. Her heartfelt lighter for some reason. The way Chloe panicked made her look more adorable. Natalie didn't know that the Ice Queen was able to show much expression.

"I just wanted to annoy you. Sorry. I know I should've told you. Sorry." Chloe looked at Natalie again, and to her surprise, the latter was smiling. Chloe's heart beat faster again.

"Thanks for being honest. So why did you tell me? If I must say, you were succeeding in annoying me." Natalie said, tilting her head with a smile on her face.

"I-I want to be-be friends-"

"With you." Chloe continued. She wanted to slap herself. She never stuttered in her life so why now when she is speaking with Natalie.

"Friends huh?" Natalie grinned.

Chloe blushed so hard. She was thankful that it's dark already and hoped that Natalie wasn't able to see her flushed face. Before she was able to say something, the driver coughed. Chloe broke off their gaze and saw that they already arrived at her neighborhood.

"Thank you again," Chloe said. Natalie smiled at her, earning a cute shy smile from Chloe herself. She could smile like that? Natalie thought. Chloe then quickly grabbed her things and left the car, her face still flushed.

"Madam, forgive me for asking but your hair is more beautiful today." The driver complimented.

That moment Natalie touched her hair and realized that it wasn't in a ponytail anymore. A realization took over her, and her ponytail was nowhere to be found. Her eyes widen at the realization that Chloe may have removed her ponytail. Jesus! Looks like she'll have to use another hair tie.


"Daddy! Mommy!" Natalie said, hugging both her parents.

"Your hair is beautiful today. No ponytail?" Natalie's dad said.

Natalie flushed when her parents said that. She's been a naughty child for the past few days by making out with the Ice Queen who just wanted to be her friend. It's been a while since she saw her parents. She wanted to be with her parents, but she shouldn't be greedy. She even missed her sister who's in London pursuing her studies. After high school, she would go back to London with her parents. This mansion she resides in is the one her parents use whenever they have a business meeting near the area.

"It's a special occasion." She reasoned.

She was glad that she was able to come up with a reason right away. Well, it wasn't the brightest but she did know that her parents would just assume it's because they are visiting for a while. Well, she would have done it even without the help from Chloe. She wanted to get to know Chloe more. She didn't mind the thought of dating Chloe; however, Chloe did make it clear that she just wanted to be friends with her. She even thought of telling Jevon that they should stop already, but if her feelings for Chloe aren't that definite yet, she should probably not break it off yet, or else it might get messy.

"I've missed you too, honey." Her mom said.

"Come on. Nadie's prepared our dinner already."

They went and ate dinner. She missed her parents, and although they are here today, after a few days, they have to go back to London. She was only temporarily staying in Colorado, the same as all the students. Few students really from Colorado, Chloe, and Vanessa for example. Unlike the two, the others including her were from across the states or from other countries. Natalie was born in London, but grew up in the states and moved to Colorado for her high school. Natalie felt like a stalker for knowing all of this information. She would be lying if she denied being fascinated by Chloe when they first met, sadly, because she forgot to take her meds that day, she was unable to control her sudden outburst when Chloe accidentally spilled milk at her.

"Jevon told us that you seem better these days." Natalie's dad said.

"I've always been fine, daddy," Natalie answered.

"Your dad is right, honey. We're actually worried for you last week" Natalie's mom said.

"Jevon told you?" Natalie asked.

She definitely would talk with Jevon tomorrow. She made it clear that the news of her losing control doesn't need to reach her parents. She knows that Jevon is being a sweetheart telling her parents that, but she didn't want to worry about her parents more.

"Honey, don't get mad at him. He's worried too." Her dad said.

"Alright. I won't."

"We just want to know. Promise us not to keep anything from us, Natalie." her mom said.

Natalie nodded and continued with her dinner with her parents. Surprisingly, even her parents have said that she's getting better ever since the start of the year. Ever since the incident three years ago, Natalie developed a sudden outburst of anger to protect herself. The therapist said that by having a close friend or a boyfriend would help and also drive the other boys away from her. It did help just at a certain level, but then during summer after her sophomore year ended, it got worse. She was actually glad that it became better ever since the start of her junior year.


"Oh, God!" Chloe screamed inside her toilet.

There was a hickey on her neck, it was bright red and huge. She was panicking, there is no way Chloe Harker, the serious and icy president, is going to be seen with a hickey. It was a good thing that she had her hair on her left side during dinner. It would be awful if her parents saw it. As she raised her right hand to touch the hickey on her left neck, she saw a hair tie on her wrist. She doesn't use hair ties. Shit. Her parents must have noticed. No wonder they were giving her the eyes and those weird smiles a while ago, well her mom did. It must be Natalie's. Great, just great. This means that she has to go to the gym again tomorrow. It'll be hard to confront Natalie after the make-out session they had. Besides, What was that?

She dried her hair after a fine shower and proceeded to do her homework. She finished it in a flash, that's Chloe for you. Her phone beeped. She received a message from Vanessa on their group chat.

Vanessa: I heard you went to the gym. Coach Samuel's really happy. Did you know that he told the team that ice cream's on him tomorrow? The whole team's ecstatic.

Alice: Christine's at it again huh?

Chloe replied.

Chloe: How did you find out?

Vanessa: Oh please. Christine tweeted it.

Alice: You should have asked us to come with you. We'll be glad to. :))

Chloe: How about tomorrow?

Vanessa: We have to talk tomorrow. Honestly, you hate the cheerleading team and now you're visiting them. You even complimented them! Christine said she was so happy that their coach would treat the ice cream on her tweet.

Chloe: Shut it.

Vanessa: Cat's got your tongue (Followed by an emoji with the tongue out.)

Chloe would definitely not tell them about the make-out session she had with Natalie, not when Natalie's taken anyway. It would be a huge scandal. Besides, she wasn't even sure if she really likes Natalie and whether Natalie even likes her back. Chloe decided to sleep early today. Besides, she has to wake up early and try to hide the hickey. She couldn't believe she enjoyed kissing Natalie and even allowed her to leave a hickey on her neck. Her Ice Queen reputation would definitely crumble, but what worried her the most is the fact that she didn't even regret making out with Natalie. 

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