Chapter One- On Scottish Soil

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        "Here we are love..." Colin said as he pointed out the car window to the green fields of Scotland. After being on a plane for what felt like a lifetime, Jennifer was desperate to stretch her legs. As the driver paused in front of a bed and breakfast, Colin reached over and grabbed her hand.

        "It's alright." He said as he saw her tense.

        "I know..." She said, giving him a smile.

        He reached over, placing her head between his hands and giving her a sweet kiss. As he pulled away, his car door opened and his feet touched down on the soft ground. Taking a deep breath, he then turned and assisted Jennifer out of the car. He then went to the trunk and removed their luggage before entering the building.

        Instantly when she walked it, she was taken aback. Photographs and portraits lined the lavender walls that complimented the roaring fireplace. Expensive and lavish furniture graced the once empty spaces as silver ties held the dark curtains open to view the outside.

        They made their way to the front desk as a man greeted them with a smile. He wore a friendly smile and extended his hand to both of them. Once he heard Colin's accent, he began acting suspicious. His smile then focused only to Jennifer, and he seemed to ignore Colin. Not looking at him after he spoke.

        "Do you need assistance with your sacks?" The man asked, looking directly to Jennifer.

        "I got it." Colin said, frustrated on the way he was being treated.

        Lifting the bags all at once, he followed Jennifer to their room. As she walked down the hallway, the key jingled between her fingers. He stopped her outside the room.

        "I don't have a good feeling about this place..." He said looking around the building.

        "We've had a long day...let's get some sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning."

        She slid the key into the lock and slowly turned it until it clicked. Pushing the door open, she basked in the beauty of the room. It was quite spacious for such a small bed and breakfast. A desk sat under the window as a vanity was on the opposite. A bed was in the middle of the room and a bathroom to the left. The room looked like something from an old Victorian drawing. It was melancholy in color, but size and the state of being posh made up for it extremely. Fresh flowers sat on the desk alongside a handwritten note welcoming the guests to the room. Alongside a list of rules. Most were understandable; Do not keep window open if it rains, do not leave food unattended for critters to find-but some were just suspicious; Do not light the fireplace after eight o'clock, never light candles and only use a flashlight if completely necessary, Do not leave the house after nine without Celtic jeweled item; such as necklace, ring, bracelet, etc. And they went on and on.

        Not paying much attention to it, they lit the lamps beside the bed and began readying themselves for bed. They both removed the clothing they arrived in and slipped into other clothes. For Colin, it was his navy blue boxers. For Jennifer, it was a pair of plain pink shorts and a white tank top. Laying down beside him, he placed his arm around her stomach. Clearly, he knew something had been bugging her by her lack of conversation.

        "Is it him?"

        She remained quiet for a little while before sighing.

        "I just can't bring myself to let it go. He was such an everyday occurrence, I'm just waiting for something to happen."

        "Nothing's going to happen..." He said rubbing her back slowly.

        "I sure hope not..." And with that, her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

        Late in the night, she awoke to something banging on the wall. Ignoring it for a few minutes, she found it to aggravate her more than anticipated. Removing herself from the sheets, she followed the sound and found it led to the closet. Anxious on what rested behind the door, she took the flashlight from one of the tables, but found it to not work. Directly by the flashlights were the candles. Picking one up, she lit a match and used the candle on the dark.

        She inched closer and closer to the door and opened it quickly. A soft bang landed upon the bottom of the closet. A broom had fallen. But the noise did not stop. Jennifer soon noticed it had been something in the bathroom instead. It had been directly behind the wall, so she followed it once more. This time, what she found made her shriek to the highest octave. She stood in complete shock as Colin rushed by her side, he quickly pulled her from the scene.

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