Chapter Fifteen- Artifice's Rising

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        As the spoke, the door opened before them. They stood with slight relief in their eyes.

        "You made it!" Ellie screamed as she ran and hugged them both. "I am so glad!"

        "What is going on?"

        "It's Artifice's rising..."

        "Say what?" Jennifer said, turning her head similar to a dog who hears a high-pitched noise.

        Pulling her into the office, she explained everything. Jennifer and Colin discovered Artifice had been harassing the crowns which consisted of fourteen people-including Ellie. He was placing dead animals in people's rooms as a sign, placing blood in wine, and also drugging people. He targeted Jennifer because of his incredible interest in her. Ellie locked them in the shed so they would find the tunnels so they would know where to escape.

        "So what do we do now?"

        "We have a ship awaiting us tomorrow night. If we leave now, we will arouse suspicion. We must be careful..."

        "So you were just trying to help us?" Jennifer asked Ellie.

        She nodded. "I was born into this, as were the other modern members...but we can not least not for a little bit. Twenty four hours to be exact.

        It was now 4 a.m. They discussed plans and answered questions for two hours. But they knew nothing would ever be the same. Colin turned to Jennifer and held her hand tight.

        "Are you alright love?"

        She nodded. "I'm starting to think I'm bad luck..."

        "Never. You are my lucky charm..."

        He kissed her sweetly and in his eyes, she found her safe place. In her life, she had never felt that before. Similar to the character she played, she was unlucky in love, used to be that is. And now she was completely in love with a man she once loathed, one who was once married. She was unable to tear her gaze or hand from him.

        "I love you." He mouthed as he noticed her gaze onto him.

        "I love you." She said in return. Eventually resting her head on his shoulder.

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