Chapter Fifty One- Up In Flames

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Placing him up in the chair, his eyes shot straight open. He refused to open his eyes so the watch did not work.

        "I know the game you are playing." He said to Ellie. "You are nothing. My creation...My being..."

        "What are you mumbling?"

        He turned to look at Maddox. "I am thirty-seven years old. I have fathered a child each month since I was fifteen. Do the math." He said now looking to Ellie who froze where she stood. "No, my father-"

        "You were lied to. All of you "saviors" were..." He laughed loudly. "You may have ruined me, but now you must live your entire lives knowing you were fathered by the most twisted being on the planet. You will stay awake at night and hopefully one day get the courage to put a shotgun-"

        "Enough!' Maddox said punching him across the face.

        "And your little boyfriend here...also fathered by me..."

        They looked harshly at one another. "No. I refuse to believe it!"

        "It all connects! Just watch, it all does!" he said yelling. His voice cracking. "None of you have the strength to kill me, all you will do is erase my memory-and make me a 'better' person as you have done for the rest....but eventually my lust will overtake and it will be useless. I was born and trained this way, and I will train my children to do so. One way or another..." He said. "You are the spawn of the devil." He said looking to Ellie who was now fighting tears. "My child-"

        Before he could speak a dagger was placed in his heart. The weapon was frozen in his chest, blood dripping down onto his lap.

        "You are nothing. You are now an empty carcass with nothing more than a name on a birth certificate. I am not your son. I knew who my parents were. You are not one, and you will never be." And with that, Artifice-Lechery closed his eyes. He froze were he sat. The weapon lingering in his chest. Ellie placed her fingers on his neck.

        "He's dead." She said with little to no emotion in her voice. "I want to burn him." She said looking toward the alcohol.

        They all looked at one another before watching Ellie. Pouring the alcohol all over the room, she quickly lit a match-throwing it onto the floor and jumped through the window with the others. Being caught by Maddox who smiled. As he set her down, he kissed her.

        "I am not in any relation to you, I promise." He said kissing her. "I made sure of it."

        She smiled before quickly moving toward him. "Now it's time to take you home."

        The words seemed too good to be true by now. As they walked away, smoke began to fill the room before it let out a loud bang, blowing everything from the vicinity to shreds and a fiery mess.

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