Chapter Thirty Three- Answers Bound in Leather

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        "You have to hear this!" Ellie said, making her way from below to the top deck. With the final journal in her hand, she lingered for a moment before speaking making sure everyone was present.

        "What did you find?" Maddox asked as he looked at the book she held as he moved behind her.

        "His real identity..."

        "You're kidding!"

        She shook her head with a bright smile. "There are seven, one for each deadly sin. They are all in different occupations suggested by their sin. It is my guess that the seventh one-Lust, is the main for he is mentioned in almost every entry."

        "Where do we find them?"

        "There are addresses here. If we get each one, we will be able to end this once and for all and live normal lives-and take you home of course. No more fear of Artifice..."

        Colin and Jennifer looked anxiously at one another.

        "What else did you find?"

        "Artifice was a name conjured up from it's definition meaning deceit. The clan has been around for three hundred years dating back to knights and maidens. They went after them one by one until nobody but their people remained. But some found their methods were wrong and rebelled against them. They saved our people and our world..."

        "Do you know what it is they are after?"

        "World domination. You see, if a country is overtaken and the original government finds it terrifying to fight, it is given to those who over-take. They plan on doing this with every country until they rule all..."

        "If there are only do they plan to rule the entire world?"

        "Seven sins. Seven men. Seven continents..." Maddox said aloud.

        "So what is the plan?" Colin asked, anxious for the answer, holding Jennifer's hand tight.

        "We find each of the seven sins-men, and kill them until none remain. Are you game?" She asked looking individually at everyone.

        "We have come this far..." Jennifer said as she placed her hand in the center of the circle of them. Colin followed and Maddox and Ellie shortly after.

        "Let's end this..."

Update at 550! Going to get so amazing!!!!

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