Chapter Twenty Seven- Confessing One's Heart

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        Jennifer sat beside Colin's immobile body anxious for him to awaken. Placing her hands upon his arm, she went to feel for a pulse and found one-very faint. Her heart now began to race- so incredibly that she became dizzy. As she sat there, Jennifer laid her head upon his chest and listened to his slow heartbeat. Doing everything she could to fight, she found it impossible to resist crying. Tears flooded down her cheeks, causing his shirt to become sodden. She rose her head from they laying position and wiped her cheeks.

        "Colin, please I need you to be alright. There is so much I want to do with you..." She said, pausing for a moment to  pull herself together. "I want to grow old with you, wake up beside you, feel your breath on my neck, and feel your kiss on my lips." As she said that, she slowly moved down to his lips and kissed them. When she pulled away, she sniffed and let out a breath.

        "I want to be with you. I want to marry you, Colin O'Donoghue. I want to stand up there in front of the entire world and God and proclaim my love for you as you have done for me. I want to proudly wear a ring on my finger to show that I am promised to you. I want that because I love you. Colin, you are the love of my life. My greatest friend and sometimes enemy-in a humorous way. You are the only man I have ever let see the true me and have given myself to-completely. If you wake up, I will marry you. Whenever. Wherever. In whatever. I do not care if it is pouring or sleeting or snowing. I will stand however long to be with you for eternity. Please let me do that. And please wake up..."

        As she rested her head once more upon his chest, a grin came about his face.

        "What is it about a man being hurt that makes a woman confess?" He said in a weak voice, almost as if his throat had been dry.

        She gave him a large smile before hugging him and kissing him. "How do you feel?" She quickly asked-ceasing the kiss.

        "Frankly, as if I have been shot."

        They both giggled at the irony of his joke before she assisted him to his feet. "Did you mean it?"

        She gave him a confusing look.

        "Mean what?"

        "About being married...Did you mean what you said?"

        She looked to the ground.

        He shut his eyes. "I didn't think so..."

        "Of course I did. Seeing you unconscious and hearing your heart that slow-it made me realize I can not live without you. I can not live without your touch or your voice saying my name. I meant what I said with all I am and all I'll ever be." She bit her bottom lip before seeing tears form in his eyes.

        "I am so glad to hear that, you have no idea."

        "I do. To be honest myself, I thought you were just asking because of our circumstances. Not being a possible tomorrow. Carpe Diem-ing the moment..." She said with a shy smile.

        "Not at all. I bought this ring a month before we left. I was going to ask before we got on the plane but I thought the moment wasn't right. Seeing you as I did when I first asked, I realized the moment didn't matter. I knew and I know I want you. I want all the things you want and more." His voice was now more normal-no longer quite as raspy.

        "Let's do it then..."

        He turned his head slightly.

        "Let's get married..." He picked her up and spun her around before kissing her.

        "Your side!" She shouted as he set her down.

        "Doesn't hurt when I'm with you...." He said, pulling her to him. They exchanged a long kiss that caused both of them to begin to tremble. Out of all the kisses they had exchanged. This one was by far the greatest in passion and tenderness.

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