Chapter Forty- Charity

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        The servant girl now returned with a large funny shaped bottle that she then poured onto Colin's side. The girl also had a contraption of some kind and asked for her dagger. She spoke little English but Jennifer listened close.

        "Heal him." She said as she used the knife and placed it over a fire she lit in the corner. "Hold. She said as she pointed to his arms. Not stopping for anything, the servant girl placed the knife on his side and he let out a loud groan. Gritting his teeth so he would not scream. Sweat was now on his skin as the girl sewed him once more. Pouring alcohol and sewing, she then used the contraption to capture the fire. She moved the knife from the fire to his side at least a dozen times before smiling ot Jennifer.

        "Done." She said.

        "Free. Go. Thank you." Jennifer said as she told the young girl. The servant turned to Jennifer and hugged her. Jennifer then handed her pieces of gold. "Be free, girl." She said as she watched her leave. The girl was out in the hall as Jennifer went to leave, Colin draped on her shoulder for support. She quickly stopped her and showed her a secret entrance that lead behind the palace. Exiting, she quickly made her way to Maddox and Ellie who helped Colin. Slowly they made it back to their plane where Colin was placed on the chair.

        Two hours passed as Ratsheput and Colin were both on the plane. Ratsheput was watching Jennifer closely in a scowl. Closing his eyes before rolling them, he watched as Jennifer looked over Colin. She changed the bandages on his side before holding his hand and then would kiss his cheek or head or even hand.

        "How do you feel?" She asked as he opened his eyes.

        "Better now. I am sorry I could not protect you." He said, with self-disappointment.

        "It was my turn to save you." She said giving him a sweet kiss.

        "You are priceless..." He said as he placed his hand upon her cheek and kissed her sweetly.

        In that moment Ratsheput saw that gold and gems meant nothing. Love was everlasting and true. He placed his head down and looked up to Jennifer.

        "I am sorry I hurt you. I do not know love until I saw your interactions." He said as he looked back to the ground.

        Jennifer looked in surprise. "Your family?"

        "They left me when I was twelve. That was four years ago. I did not know love until today. I am so sorry I almost took that away." Tears slowly streamed down his cheeks.

        "It is alright." Jennifer nodded to Ellie who hypnotized Ratsheput.

        "You will not remember any relation with Artifice but remember love and compassion. Greed and treasure is nothing to you but meaningless words. You will live your remaining days giving those less fortunate your treasure. You will then help those with the life you have left." She said after she slid the pill in his mouth.

        "Now, off to Brazil." Maddox said as he laid his head on the pillow behind him and fell asleep.

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