Chapter Thirty One- A Battle Aboard

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        Colin removed a dagger from his side that was given to him by Maddox and held Jennifer behind him. Easily, one man went down as Colin slashed at his stomach, he jumped over the edge before he was killed. The other two were placed on either side of Colin. One with a gun in his hand and the other with a sword. Both men lunged at him at once, Colin pushed Jennifer back and then placed his weapon for his protection. Jennifer looked around for some way to help but found everything to be useless. One of the men then made advances toward her as the other man was dedicated solely on Colin. He slowly began walking toward her with his gun in hand as it pointed at her. As she moved back, she felt her hand on something cold and big. Gripping it in her hand, she forced a country accent.

        "Thank heavens! You saved me from that boring man!" She said.

        The man's demeanour was now changed. He placed down his gun at his side before moving seductively toward her and giving her a lust-filled smile. But as he came close enough to kiss, she took the object and hit him completely over the head. She found it to be a loose pulley. She quickly lifted up his body and threw it over the side, watching as he sank. As she turned, she was just in time to find Colin finish off the other guy, disposing of him in the same fashion. She ran to his side.

        "Your side!"

        "It's alright..." He said gripping it. "We need to hurry. They could spot us at any minute."

        Doing as she was told, Jennifer used a rope to throw it down to the raft and watched as it landed in it perfectly the first time. She took a deep breath as they waited for Ellie and Maddox.

        "Do you know how to sail this thing" Jennifer asked as he looked at the objects as if they were of alien design.

        "I play a pirate for a living....can't be too difficult." He said giving her a light grin. "Here goes nothing..."

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