Chapter Thirty Seven- Gluttony

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        As the plane landed, Colin slightly shook Jennifer awake from her nap. Ellie did the same to Maddox before they all descended onto the land. By this time, the storm had let up slightly so it no longer flooded the streets and only added to the water. They all toward the large structure to find it similar to that they would find on the set of Once Upon a Time or back in time. Pushing open the large iron gate, Jennifer and Ellie made their way into the castle grounds as Colin and Maddox lingered behind for the second part of their plan.

        Having discussed it the previous night, they stuck to the plan entirely. Jennifer and Ellie walked through the castle to find it to be different from others. No portraits sat on the walls in proud hanging, no suits of armor, or even guards. Only a long blue carpet that led them to a room with a throne sitting behind an incredibly long table. Just as they entered, a voice stopped them.

        Saying something in French, they turned and shrugged. The man emerged from the shadows to reveal a 400- pound man dressed in royal attire. A crown placed lazily upon his head and a wicked grin upon his face, he looked to the two girls.

        "Ah, Yes, English."

        They both nodded. "Won't you join me?" He asked as he exposed two more chairs being placed their by two maids who were obviously starving. They looked to the girls with deep sadness before leaving.

        "Only if they eat with us." Jennifer said, pointing to the maids.

        "For two beautiful girls, of course. Helena! Olivia!" He said as he gave them seats as well. "Eat." He said, pointing to his food upon the table.

        Ellie and Jennifer held hands beneath the table for this would be the most risky annihilation yet. They had to find some way on getting sleeping pills in the food, and Jennifer thought of just the way. 

        "Can I say grace?" She asked as she clasped her hands together in front of her. 

        "If you must." He said rolling his eyes before shutting them. She leaned beside Ellie. "Do you know French?"

        She nodded. "Of course." Jennifer commented before she spoke aloud once more. "I will let Ellie so everyone can understand."


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