Chapter Twenty Four- Visitors

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        Ellie ran to the other side of the boat to find the other crew members pointing weapons at an aircraft in the sky. Shooting bullets continuously at the machine, they watched as it hit hard against the water-causing an incredibly climactic scene. As it drifted past them, another plane made itself visible, followed by a few more. In total, six air crafts were hovering in the sky. Only now, they had the weapons. Colin tore Jennifer from the deck and brought her below, holding her against the wall. He held her head in his chest and listened to the commotion above.

        He took her face in his hands and kissed her sweetly before brushing tears from her eyes.

        "Look at what we've survived love, a crazed stalker, a jealous ex-wife, the a way...We'll get through this..." He kissed her once more until a loud sound was heard between them. A single hole was between them. They saw as water began going into it. They looked around frantically for something to plug it up with. When they found nothing, Colin ran on the deck to find a mess before him.

        Two air crafts were now in the water but a large hole was in the side, on the other side of the ship. They frantically looked around before Jennifer moved from below deck with a large raft in her hands. She separated them to find there were two. They found there was no time to argue before deciding to separate groups into the rafts. Unfortunately, a few of the crew members were now deceased but enough remained to fill the rafts. Throwing them quickly behind the boat, they jumped into them and moved quickly away from the action scene. In their raft rested Jennifer, Colin, Maddox, and Ellie.

        "What do we do now?"

        "Find a place to stay until we can signal for help..."

        "How long will THAT take?"

        Before Ellie answered, she blurted out her discovery.

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