Chapter Forty Seven- Wrath

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        Landing on an icy surface, Colin took Jennifer's hand as they walked slowly onto the ground from the plane. Maddox and Ellie followed closely behind.

        "We are almost done. Then we take you home..." Ellie said as they ventured toward an igloo.

        Placed among many others, they noted something different about this one. The fact it was hooked up to an electronic source.

        "This has to be him..." Colin said before making his way inside.

        It was gigantic. The top floor had been a full-on library filled with books on shelves with a sliding later. The bottom floor was his bedroom. That in which was decorated more like an office. Wires, cords, computers, and monitors coated the room.

        As they all entered, a steel door closed them in.

        "I thought that only happened in poorly-written movies or cartoons..." Jennifer said as she tried to force it open.

        As they looked around, they found that cameras were in every crevice. There was not a single spot they could go and not be seen. Slowly, they crafted each step carefully as they made their way down the stairs. Ellie was the first one walking and her foot got caught in an animal trap. It went into her ankle almost completely, causing her to shriek. Maddox went to her aid and picked apart the trap, throwing it to the side.

        He picked her up in his arms before moving further down the stairs.

        "One more step and it will surely be your last." An older man said as he held a gun in his hand.

        "What is it with these people and guns?" Maddox joked before rolling his eyes.

        "Who are you?" He asked sharply, pointing the gun at Maddox.

        "We are researchers..."

        He then pointed his gun to Colin since he answered. "We heard you are one of the best scientists around...Clearly we were right."

        " I wasn't told of any researchers..."

        "We are freelance. Trying to find a cure for cancer. Hired by an anonymous group."

        "Artifice." Belle blurted out. They all shot looks or closed their eyes in defeat before he welcomed them in.

        "Sorry for the trap...We get the goodies here too often..." He said accompanied with a smirk.

        "No worries. We actually are escaping from them..."

        "I was called by Art, he said how they already got rid of five of them. Only him and I remain."

        He froze and turned. "If we are the only remaining two...who are you?"

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