Chapter Twenty Three- Aftermath

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        Colin reached across the room and picked up his shirt and began buttoning it up as Jennifer zipped up her jeans. They both adjusted stuff on each other before leaving the room. Slowly, they walked together, still glistening from the sweat on one another. Colin wore a victorious smile as Jennifer blushed. The members on the ship-which were six in total aside from the intimate couple, all applauded them and made crude remarks.

        "That's how you do it!" They yelled as others made comments toward Jennifer; "Can I make you scream like that?"

        "I would like for you not to make such comments toward my girlfriend..." He said pushing her into him.

        She closed her eyes for a moment before making her way across the boat. Ellie happened to be leaning on the edge.


        Ellie nodded. "Are you alright?" She asked as she placed her hand upon her shoulder.

        "Yeah...just...So much has changed...a week ago I was in America and then four days ago I was in Scotland...and now...I'm not sure where we are or what our objective is..."

        "Sorry, I did not explain it before. There is a safe house on a far side of Ireland. We are docking on one side and walking the rest of the way. It is underground."

        "How long until we can go home?"

        She paused.

        "What aren't you telling me?"

        "Artifice is not just one man. Many believe he is. Artifice is a group of people high in power. They dedicate their entire lives on gaining power then attempt to overtake. They began with Scotland because of their desire to be an independent."

        "When can I go home, Ellie?"

        "If everything goes without a hitch, it should be soon."

        "When's soon?"

        "A year."

        She froze. "What in the hell is a long time?"

        "We have to sneak you out of here...It will take time...otherwise it would risk us all being exposed."

        "Why don't American's know this?"

        "They cut off all electronics and anyone in the position such as this one, as I am in is sworn to secrecy. If beginning to break...they are killed. It is very dangerous..."

        "I sense you arent' Scottish."

        She laughed. "No. " Her true accent was revealed. "I am from Romania. But was brought here when I was eight...I picked up the accent and traditions..."

        "Your family?"

        "They were killed by Artifice..."

        "I'm sorry..."

        "It's not your fault..."

        "No, but I gave you a hard time..."

        "I do not blame you...I would have done the same to protect someone I love..."

        "How do you know that we-"

        "It is written all over you both...If one of you is looking at the other, the other is touching the other...You are inseparable...even when you hated one another. You can not stand to be apart...."

        Jennifer smiled.

        "It is incredibly obvious you two are in love...When are you getting married?"

        "We aren't engaged..."


        "You know the period before dating and marriage."

        She giggled. "We do not do that." She paused for a moment before looking onto the water. "We are arranged to be married by those thought compatible for us then married when both parties decide they want it."

        "Wow, seems complicated..."

        " isn't the easiest of lifestyles..."

        They were interrupted by another crew member. "Miss may want to come see this...we have visitors..."



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