Chapter Forty Three- Sloth

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        "Where?" Jennifer asked in complete shock. "It's freaking hot there!" She said as she looked at her clothes. "Plus, why didn't we go there when we were closer?"

        "It was not the right time. If we do this the wrong way, it could result in us being exposed to the rest of them. We have three left and then we can take you home. I promise." Ellie said as she placed her hand upon Jennifer's shoulder.

        "I don't want to go anymore." Jennifer said. "Every-time we go somewhere, there is more of a risk of one of us dying. I will not go any more."

        "We can't take you home, Jennifer. If we do, they will surely come after you."

        "Is it because of Belle?" Maddox asked as he looked back to the young girl who was all over Colin.

        "No. I'm not that small. She is eighteen years old. I just, I feel like it isn't safe anymore..."

        "It will be alright. I promise." Ellie asked. "We can't do this without you..." Maddox added as he smiled to her, followed by Ellie.

        The flight was almost three days from where they were. Having to stop to fuel and get supplies for the trip, they stopped for only a brief minute before making their way to Australia. As they landed, they found the weather to cause a great level of heat on their skin. It burning if they stood in it too long.

        "Who are we looking for?" Colin asked as Belle lingered around him. Ellie noticed how Belle kept giving Jennifer a harsh look before they continued to walk. It did not make sense. Since she swallowed the pill, she should have been kind to all...

        "Her name is Ivette. She is an older lady I guess. Lives..." Maddox pointed at a portion of the map. "Here." He said as they stood in front of a hut. As they knocked, they heard all noises cease inside. A small noise came from the side and it showed a shrill old lady peaking out the window. "Visitors?" She said to herself, confused on the purpose of their visit.

        "Who is it?" She asked, her voice proving her age as it shook with each word.

        "We need your help. Is your name Ivette?" Jennifer asked kindly.

        "Indeed. What can I help you with?" She asked as she opened the door.

        "We seem to be lost..." She said holding out the map. "We found your place and it seems quite nice." She said as she looked at the sky. "It is about to storm, could I trouble you for a hot cup of tea or coffee even-more likely coffee."

        "American's and your coffee..." She said as a joke, they all giggled to make her feel secure. They noticed how inside her house was incredibly messy. It was almost impossible to walk, but she did not seem to care. Pizza boxes that were growing mold inside of them sat around next to plastic cups that varied in color. It smelled of mold, dirty laundry, and time. Clothes sprawled out over the chairs as she returned.

        "I have no cups. But here." She said bringing back tea in measuring cups. The glass of the cups were cold. "I do not bake, so hope these'll do." She said with a friendly smile.

        "What brings you all out here?" She asked as she noticed Belle looking at Colin.


        "Odd time to take a vacation." She said glaring at Ellie who answered-in an American accent.

        "We hardly get to see each other. You see, we are long time friends. Haven't seen each other in a long time." She said forcing the contraction to sound American.

        "Can I get you anything else?" She asked, dismissing the previous topic.

        "Why don't you let US get YOU something?" Maddox asked with a friendly smile.

        "Oh, would you? I just feel so lazy."


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