Chapter Sixty- Method Promises

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         Within the next few minutes, Colin emerged with the driver having polite conversation.

        "Ready to go home?" Colin asked as he handed her a candy-bar.

        "More than you know." She said looking back in the spot where she thought she saw him but instead found a different car to be there.

        "Are you alright?" He asked her, grabbing her hand into his.

        "Yeah. Just need to sleep."

        He padded his shoulder in which she fell fast asleep.

        The car stopped just before the apartment building they dreamed of returning to for so long. They both exchanged deep breaths before making their way towards it. Before they entered the apartment, Colin turned to Jennifer.

        "I know I only play one on television, but I want you to know desperately you have my word I will always be here for you. No matter what. I can tell you are worried about something but I won't make you tell me. Just know, you have my word Miss Swan." He said as his character.

        "And you mine, Killian." She said with a shared smile. "Captain Swan, a cute name our fans thought for us...have you ever heard of it?"

        "Yeah, it's cute. I think it's WE have a name as a couple?"

        "I think so...." She picked her phone from her pocket. "Let me check..." As she did, he placed the key in the door and it opened just as she found it.


        "Sounds like some rejected vegetable...." Colin said with a laugh that was followed by Jennifer.

        "I think it's cute..." She said closing the door.


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