Chapter Twenty Two- Make up Or Break up?

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        Jennifer searched the ship for an hour before she found Colin. Sitting in a storage room, he had his head in his hands and was looking toward the ground. He looked up as he heard the door creak open and looked back at the ground with an arrogant smirk that slowly faded.

        "Maddox isn't with you?"

        "No....Why would he be?"

        "You have been all over him for the last two days straight.."

        "I'm sorry...I was just hurt and wanting you to feel as I did..."

        "Which was?"


        "You were?"

        "Of course...Ellie is beautiful and willing-or so I thought..."

        "I didn't think you still got jealous..."

        "Why would you think that?"

        "I thought it would fade by now...The way you weren't getting angry when she was all over me..."

        "I didn't want to be the jealous girlfriend..."

        They both giggled at the thought of the farce they both made. Colin pulled her hand so she was directly in front of him. Not hesitating, Jennifer complied to what he did-beginning with a kiss. Sweet and tender but with each parting, the returned connection of the lips became incredibly intense. Leaving them both breathless before one another.

        "Can we start over?" He asked her, between kisses.

        By this time she was straddling his legs as he was leaned against the back of the wall.

        "Well...maybe not completely over..." He said as he pulled her into him, pushing against his waist. He took a sharp breath in and released it right before their lips touched once more.

        Jennifer pushed against the wall behind them as he picked her up and threw her on against the wall. Not resisting, he tore her shirt completely in two and threw it behind him-not looking where it landed. He then kissed from her lips to her neck then placing a trail of kisses between her breasts. He moved back up and placed her back on her feet. As he did so, she turned him so he was up against the wall and removed his shirt over his head.

        "I thought I lost you...Or scared you..." He said as she tore off his belt.


        And with that, they spoke few words that followed. Only their names were spoken in the quiet as the boat rocked through the slicing waves. Moving positions until they couldn't possibly move any more, they lingered in each other's embrace. Jennifer noticed how Colin's heart was continuing to race.

        "What is it?" She asked, now facing him.

        "My question still stands..." He said as he sat up. Taking his shirt, he placed it back over his body before reaching toward his pants.

        "Who would marry us?"

        "Captian's can...Although this one has a thing for you so he might marry you with him and me to a squid..."

        "I'm not saying no-"

        "But you aren't saying yes..."

        She nodded. "We just got back together and it is a massive decision that should take a lot of thinking and deciding. Not something we should just jump into..."

        "I have known you for four years Jennifer. I don't need to know anything more. But I won't rush you love. I do want you-in any way I can have you."

        He grinned as he realized the comment sounded more sexual than caring. She pulled him back to her, this time tearing his shirt over his head and he placed himself between her legs. Not pausing for a moment, he began making love to her. Trying to stay quiet in case bystanders were in earshot, she scratched his back, bit her lip, and even dug her toes into his legs. Only giving him inspiration to go further, harder, and faster. Just as he finished, the door flew open and there stood Maddox. He had a raging fire in his eye-similar to that of a warrior entering battle. His expression was blank and he just shut the door, almost as if just to make the moment awkward.

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